Celtic--Spirit — Sweeeeet

Published: 2009-06-23 19:13:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 181; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 5
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Description some sweets just for you!!!

a toast with butter, a glased donut and a piece of chocolate cake!

now you can have the cake and eat it too! though you might get a tummy ache

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Comments: 8

daughterofMyou [2009-06-23 19:14:08 +0000 UTC]

they look delicious

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Celtic--Spirit In reply to daughterofMyou [2009-06-23 19:17:52 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! i'm glad ou like them

i'm going to post a burger next it's yummy too

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daughterofMyou In reply to Celtic--Spirit [2009-06-23 19:28:27 +0000 UTC]

quick question from curiosity - how do you make these?

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Celtic--Spirit In reply to daughterofMyou [2009-06-23 19:33:35 +0000 UTC]

i made them with fimo, i choose the colors i want to use, and mold them into the correct shape and size, making a full cake.

i then cut the cake into slices and smooth the unions carefully, insert the wire hook, bake and glaze and viola!

for the donut i make a little ball, flatten it, and use a tooth pick to make the central whole, add a thin layer for frosting, add the hook and bake then glaze

did that answer your question? if not feel free to ask more precise questions i'm here to help

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daughterofMyou In reply to Celtic--Spirit [2009-06-23 19:40:29 +0000 UTC]

Is fimo some kind of special modelling material? I've seen loads of little charms and things like this, and I've wanted to try making some but I'm not sure what materials to use xD

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Celtic--Spirit In reply to daughterofMyou [2009-06-23 20:47:31 +0000 UTC]

yes, fimo like sculpey are polimer clay, meaning that they are man made, and bake at lower temperatures than the real stuff off the ground.

you can usualy buy them in any craft store, or the place where you buy your pencils and paper (stationer's shop), they usualy have it too.

if all things fail you can order online

fimo - [link] just click the type of fimo

sculpey - [link]

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daughterofMyou In reply to Celtic--Spirit [2009-06-23 21:51:56 +0000 UTC]

Cool thank you This will really help a lot

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Celtic--Spirit In reply to daughterofMyou [2009-06-23 22:04:18 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad

and you're welcome

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