catcrissy — For lalasosu and ArTLoVeR4LiFe

Published: 2011-03-30 02:57:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 326; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 2
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Description Seeing 's and 's Live stream yesterday was scary >.< XD jk

((oh yeah andthere is a Claude Spider up in the corner of block 7 :3 )

Tiny Chat in...

lalasosu2: That's a lot of people!

lala and artlover4life: Heyy Everyone~!

people: *squeals* *Overlapped Greetings* *We Love you* *echos*

Lala and grell: You guys are all here via chat and web cam?!

People: Some of us are....
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Comments: 20

ArTLoVer4LiFe [2011-03-30 15:35:08 +0000 UTC]


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catcrissy In reply to ArTLoVer4LiFe [2011-03-30 15:51:46 +0000 UTC]


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KakumeiTsuki [2011-03-30 03:12:10 +0000 UTC]

Lol, pretty cool. However, there are two things that in most comics and manga that if you did in this one, that would make things look much smoother, however I wont tell them to you unless you tell me you dont mind my critique.

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catcrissy In reply to KakumeiTsuki [2011-03-30 03:14:44 +0000 UTC]

I had a horrible experience with a critiquer once that made me cry and almost deactivate..but sure...I don't mind critique....

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KakumeiTsuki In reply to catcrissy [2011-03-30 03:20:45 +0000 UTC]

Trust me, I will never suggest anything or do anything to hurt you, unlike that ass who critiqued you, I am the real think, my only purpose is to help others get better, little by little if they want the help, if not, then I understand!

All I was going to suggest was making the panels spaced out about 3 millimeters away from both other panels and 5mm away from the edge on all sides, and remember all letters in both Manga and American comic books are written in all caps. That way, there is no issue with handwriting or letters being to small to see.

As I said before though, its really good, and I really appricate the work you seem to put into everything!

One day, if you keep up the good work, you will become one of the best artists out there!

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catcrissy In reply to KakumeiTsuki [2011-03-30 03:23:44 +0000 UTC]

wow...thanks so much~! I could really use that critique~! and thanks so much, that's really sweet <3

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KakumeiTsuki In reply to catcrissy [2011-03-30 03:31:41 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome! I never mind helping a fellow artist! That is how we get better and grow and get experiance. If anyone is overly harsh about giveing you any critique, then tell me who they are so I can put them in there place! Harsh people like that are idiot arrogant fools, and they dont know anything about what art truely is about!

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catcrissy In reply to KakumeiTsuki [2011-03-30 03:36:58 +0000 UTC]

**cough** awesomecupcake24 **cough**

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KakumeiTsuki In reply to catcrissy [2011-03-30 03:38:32 +0000 UTC]

Lol, I don't know how to search people on DA, and what drawing did she blab about?

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catcrissy In reply to KakumeiTsuki [2011-03-30 03:39:37 +0000 UTC]

it was in notes >.> [link]

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KakumeiTsuki In reply to catcrissy [2011-03-30 03:58:36 +0000 UTC]

For some reason it wont let me look at that page, but dont worry, just ignore them! If they bother you here, especally on your art, then I swear I will tear them apart mentally and make them wish they never joined DA! You do good work and you have the will to get better, and thats most important it art!
So keep up the work, and I will help any way possible!

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catcrissy In reply to KakumeiTsuki [2011-03-30 04:02:03 +0000 UTC]

umm..thank you?

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KakumeiTsuki In reply to catcrissy [2011-03-30 04:04:12 +0000 UTC]

Sorry, when it comes to certain people... I tend to get a little agressive...
<------ -feels a bit dumb-

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catcrissy In reply to KakumeiTsuki [2011-03-30 04:09:21 +0000 UTC]

aw it's alright just came on a bit strong XD

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KakumeiTsuki In reply to catcrissy [2011-03-30 04:14:54 +0000 UTC]

Lol, well if you havent read my latest journal, then dont, because that was
way stronger than what I told to you. I just am passonate sometimes...

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catcrissy In reply to KakumeiTsuki [2011-03-30 04:15:44 +0000 UTC]

oh okay....

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KakumeiTsuki In reply to catcrissy [2011-03-30 04:28:27 +0000 UTC]

Lol, and thank you for the fav!

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catcrissy In reply to KakumeiTsuki [2011-03-30 14:23:39 +0000 UTC]

no prob

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LALASOSU2 [2011-03-30 03:03:17 +0000 UTC]

LMAO!!! Love it! Drawn very cute!
Definitely was hectic, but we were so happy and very surprised to see so many people on there!

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catcrissy In reply to LALASOSU2 [2011-03-30 03:17:21 +0000 UTC]

haha! Thank you~ it looked like a great turn out from what I saw~! Even when you guys left, there were people begging you to come back on again XD

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