Bysthedragon — Cipactli

#aztec #beast #caiman #earth #evil #fish #frog #land #mexican #mexico #monster #mouths #primal #prime #sea #teeth #toad #alligator #colossal #crocodile #crocodilian #mesoamerican #mythicalcreature #primordial #aztecmythology #crocodilealligator #alligatorcrocodile
Published: 2016-09-11 22:31:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 2569; Favourites: 60; Downloads: 4
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Description Cipactli was a Monster from Aztec mythology that symbolized the primal earth floating in the water. It was described looking like a hybrid of a Crocodile/Caiman, a Fish, and a Toad with mouths of sharp teeth on every joint of it's body that are always hungry and devour everything, if you are to be bitten by one of it's mouths then the pain will never go away, even in death. Before they became rivals Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca worked together to hunt down and kill Cipactli, but to lure Cipactli to them, Tezcatlipoca used his leg as bait and it was bitten clean off before he could even react. Ever since then Tezcatlipoca wore a mirror of Obsidian to replace his leg, but the continuous pain made him bitter and cynical, believing that humanity owes him eternally for the loss of his leg and the pain he has to deal with constantly, and taking out his pain on everyone else around him; Mortals and Gods alike. From the dead body of Capactli, Quetzalcoatl created the earth. 
I'm deciding whether I want to depict Cipactli in my story as an actual sinister creature that had evil intentions or just a natural force of destruction. depending on how it's depicted could have a different meaning to the story as a whole; Evil breeds more evil, or Bad things happen and we can learn to move on from it or let it consume us.
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Comments: 2

kevinobill [2022-10-23 04:02:16 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Bysthedragon In reply to kevinobill [2022-10-23 04:26:59 +0000 UTC]

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