BleedingStarClothing — Alternative Press full page ad

Published: 2005-12-02 13:02:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 21076; Favourites: 109; Downloads: 1367
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Description This is in the current issue of Alternative Press Magazine. You can pick it up at most grocery & book stores across the country.
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Comments: 54

BleedingStarClothing In reply to ??? [2008-05-09 19:46:56 +0000 UTC]

right, what what a fuckin waste of time. Go spent your time caring about shit you actually do enjoy.

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a66c [2007-12-06 11:06:05 +0000 UTC]

not bad

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world-of-rubaa [2007-07-06 11:59:41 +0000 UTC]

WoW the Brushes are AWESOME!!! *faves* <3

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Soldout-design [2007-04-08 21:09:47 +0000 UTC]


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FoT [2006-10-03 21:45:34 +0000 UTC]

only one word: amazing

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x-radtastic [2006-06-27 21:18:21 +0000 UTC]

I love that clothing company,
and this an amazing piece of art I must say!
great ad design and layout.

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crazyfox56 [2006-05-14 15:24:52 +0000 UTC]

Haha I have that AP.

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BleedingStarClothing In reply to crazyfox56 [2006-05-14 18:44:33 +0000 UTC]


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crazyfox56 In reply to BleedingStarClothing [2006-05-15 00:06:59 +0000 UTC]

The first thing I thought was: OMG how can people be so beautiful? 'specially that guy with the white hoodie...

then all my friends went OMG he's pretty.

now we know his name.

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drumsfail [2006-01-29 20:43:18 +0000 UTC]

O M G ......... This is sooooooo beautiful!

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dot-and-dash [2006-01-13 14:54:46 +0000 UTC]

ee hot shit i likes! great use of colours and blah

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Infinite-Starlight [2006-01-10 00:15:26 +0000 UTC]

thats some Hot Clothing

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ChaoticBLack [2005-12-23 22:30:52 +0000 UTC]

I was like, "Holy hell," when I flipped to this page in AP. It really does stand out among the rest of the ads in there. The design for this page was really eyecatching and urged me to come check out the website, which was incredible as well. Then I find out that you live in the same town that I do and I nearly faint from the shock. Anyhow, really nice job on the ad. Keep up on the sweet designs you guys have!

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BleedingStarClothing In reply to ChaoticBLack [2005-12-23 22:44:03 +0000 UTC]

Sooo, you're from Poky I'm assuming then.

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ChaoticBLack In reply to BleedingStarClothing [2005-12-24 00:02:02 +0000 UTC]

Yeah. Chubbuck, more specifically but that's close enough. I think I saw you once when I was at work. Devin Taylor, right? Your Deviant ID reminded me of some guy that I saw with a with a really tight blonde mohawk.

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BleedingStarClothing In reply to ChaoticBLack [2005-12-25 07:08:53 +0000 UTC]

Yup, that very well could be me, cause i do have pretty large black and blonde mohawk.... there are too many of those round these parts. Where did you see me?

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ChaoticBLack In reply to BleedingStarClothing [2005-12-25 08:23:25 +0000 UTC]

Well, uh... I work at this restaurant called Mandarin House, actually. -__-; I believe I saw you there when you came on a... Sunday, I think. I was the asian retard who took your money. Strangely, I had just bought the AP with your ad in it the day before. So on the very same Sunday when you came in, I phoned my friend to discuss the new AP and we ended up babbling on how hot "that-guy-in-the-BSC-ad" (Ryan?) looked.

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BleedingStarClothing In reply to ChaoticBLack [2005-12-27 11:02:30 +0000 UTC]

well... i've been in there a bit lately... so I am not entirely certain if i remember you... but that is pretty funny that you had bought an AP before that.

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ChaoticBLack In reply to BleedingStarClothing [2005-12-27 23:53:39 +0000 UTC]

That's cool that you go there once in a while. I get bored real easily when I work so I tend to pay attention to the more "interesting" of our customers.

Anyway, I see quite a lot of people in Poky wearing Bleeding Star. I was wanderin' if there was another way to get your merch besides off the net. Does the Idaho Falls Hot Topic sell the Love Factory shirt?

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BleedingStarClothing In reply to ChaoticBLack [2005-12-28 00:32:53 +0000 UTC]

Thats so cool... i'm exciting... i'm actually craving some Mandarin House right now... lol.

You can actually get Bleding Star merch directly from me. I know most the kids around here, and there isn't really many shops to sell it in... so I decided that kids could just buy in straight from me. If you want to get some stuff, let me know and I'll meet you somewhere sometime.

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ChaoticBLack In reply to BleedingStarClothing [2005-12-28 06:20:53 +0000 UTC]

I can buy it from you?! That sounds great! I'll probably have to get an "ok" from my parents though and that may take a while... crap. Well, anyhow, I have a friend who's really interested in your stuff too so maybe we can both buy some merch. They're the same prices as on the website, right? Do they include tax? And if I do decide to buy some, do I let you know online or when I meet you?

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BleedingStarClothing In reply to ChaoticBLack [2005-12-28 17:22:38 +0000 UTC]

Awesome... well you can actually get it a tid bit cheaper through me. Shirts are $15 if you get them straight from me. I came into Mandarin House last night, all that take made me crave some, you weren't working by chance where you?

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ChaoticBLack In reply to BleedingStarClothing [2005-12-29 00:53:17 +0000 UTC]

Sweet deal.

Nah, I only work on the weekends, actually. So that's Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I didn't work last weekend since I was sick though. -__-

Oh yeah, and I just heard this as a rumor, but is Death in December really moving to California?

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BleedingStarClothing In reply to ChaoticBLack [2005-12-29 00:59:42 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, that was actually true... however thery kinda all over the place right now. They already did go down there, then they toured through WA all last month. Now they are going to be back in town for at least a month or so.

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ChaoticBLack In reply to BleedingStarClothing [2005-12-29 05:11:49 +0000 UTC]

Awwwww... oh well. They'll probably have a better chance over there. Does that mean that you guys will have another model?

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BleedingStarClothing In reply to ChaoticBLack [2005-12-29 22:31:50 +0000 UTC]

We will still be using Ryan for alot of shoots, but we will be adding a number of models as well. Probably alot of LA models, its kinda tough to find the right style round these parts + modelling experience.

BTW, If you can hook me up with a deal on some Mandarin House, I'll do the same on some clothing... lol... i dunno if your allowed to do that, but it was just and idea... hehe.

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ChaoticBLack In reply to BleedingStarClothing [2005-12-30 07:43:13 +0000 UTC]

Ah, that's good. It'll be interesting to see how it turns out.

Hmm... that doesn't sound like a bad idea. My parents own the dang place, so I guess it would depend on their reaction if I asked them. But I actually did give out free food to this one guy named Julian once... but that was due to some geeky crush I had on him. My parents didn't find out till later, but they just said not to do it again unless I really knew the person. And this time I'll actually get something in return. ... It'll be interesting how I ask them...

"... some guy that owns this clothing company that I really like said he'll trade some of his stuff for free food at our place..."

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BleedingStarClothing In reply to ChaoticBLack [2005-12-30 10:27:39 +0000 UTC]

Hahha, yeah its not a big deal by any means, just whatever is cool.

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ChaoticBLack In reply to BleedingStarClothing [2005-12-31 06:16:19 +0000 UTC]

Ah, alright. I was thinking about just doing the "meeting-you-someplace-sometime" idea. I haven't really got that completely planned out or whatever but I think the most reasonable place that I could do it at would be Mandarin House. Is that alright with you?

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BleedingStarClothing In reply to ChaoticBLack [2006-01-02 01:23:42 +0000 UTC]

Yeah that would be fine. Just look through the stuff on the website and get an idea what you would like to buy. I have most stuff in personal inventory, but i am currently out of hoodies and a few various things. Just let me know when and we'll meet up.

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ChaoticBLack In reply to BleedingStarClothing [2006-01-02 07:47:28 +0000 UTC]

Fuck, well... I just found out that my parents won't let me err... meet you. Sorry...

... well... they said I can still buy stuff off your site , so it's not a complete letdown. But honestly, I really would've liked to meet you sometime personally. I still feel terrible...

I guess I might still be able to see you sometime while I'm working. I'll try to say hi if I do.

Yeeeeahhh... so I'm really sorry if I made it sound like this was really gonna happen when it really wasn't going to. It was a really big disappointment on my side.

But on a last note, I was looking through some of your designs you have in your portfolio on your graphic site, and would you mind if I used one of them as wallpaper?

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BleedingStarClothing In reply to ChaoticBLack [2006-01-02 17:52:55 +0000 UTC]

I don't mind at all if you use my graphics on your website as your wallpaper... not a problem at all. I could understand how your parents could be a little bit worried. I mean it may sound a little sketchy at first. It would be nice if i actually had a local shop here... but it is just to small of a town to invest in something like that. I had a few shops that carried tees, but most of them went out of business. That's why i've just resorted to making "deliveries" in a way. I do come into Mandarin House quitte often though, and I usually have some tees with me... so if you ever see me in there be sure to say hi.

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ChaoticBLack In reply to BleedingStarClothing [2006-01-06 23:55:28 +0000 UTC]

Alright, thanks. Just had to make sure I asked. It was just for desktop wallpaper, though.

I guess with all the stories of internet seducers and what not, my parents do have things to be cautious about, not that I think you're one or something. The Idaho State Journal does have some articles about how dangerous people on the internet can be, so I guess all of that have made people uneasy.

I agree with you on Poky being too small of a town for these things. I don't really think we have stores that would match that "style", I guess I can say. It'd be nicer if we had a larger variety of the stores here. Idaho Falls seems like the place where people go to do more of their "broader" shopping.

I don't work at too often at MH with school and all, but don't worry, I should be able to recognize you. I was sorta wondering why you were carrying a bag around with you when I last at that place.

Wow... I just looked back at the deviation comment page and realized how lengthy our conversation is.

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BleedingStarClothing In reply to ChaoticBLack [2006-01-09 20:13:57 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I can understand your parents worry. I basically am a travelin store... lol, if you saw my car you would definitely know, it has huge Bleeding Star Decals on it.

And about my bag, that is my messanger bag. Usually just has business stuff and sketch books in it. Kinda like my "manpurse", lol.

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ChaoticBLack In reply to BleedingStarClothing [2006-01-20 00:50:46 +0000 UTC]

Nice. Now I know what to look for when I go around town.

The Candycore shirt I ordered came a few days ago, and it is one the most awesome shirts I have ever gotten. Can't wait till I can get more of your stuff.

Do you design all of Death in December's merch too?

Manpurse... lol... can't imagine you hitting anyone with that...

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BleedingStarClothing In reply to ChaoticBLack [2006-01-20 20:21:31 +0000 UTC]

That is awesome... I am glad you enjoyed the gear. I do do all of DnD's merch, yes.

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ChaoticBLack In reply to BleedingStarClothing [2006-01-21 05:50:01 +0000 UTC]

Wow... you're amazing...

Did you go to Mandarin House today (Friday)? Right after I started my shift around 5:30-ish I had two employees come running up to me saying that you just left a few minutes ago (yes, I've told quite a few people about you).

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BleedingStarClothing In reply to ChaoticBLack [2006-01-21 18:32:15 +0000 UTC]

LOL, yup I sure did. Haha that's kinda funny.

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ChaoticBLack In reply to BleedingStarClothing [2006-01-29 05:46:49 +0000 UTC]

Well, I'm glad we actually got to see each other today. ... Damn it, if I had realized it was you earlier, I'm sure I could've gotten that order you made for free. But that was real nice of you to talk to me for at least 10 seconds before taking off. It really made my day. A lot of people disregard me mostly due to my nerdy appearence. I can't really say that to envoke sympathy since it happens so often in this society, but I really could tell that you were an honest person. And I'm sure every Mandarin House employee that's served you will agree. But yeah, thanks a lot for stopping by.

... And if you don't mind me asking, who was that girl that was with you?

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BleedingStarClothing In reply to ChaoticBLack [2006-01-29 07:01:06 +0000 UTC]

Yeah... i kinda felt bad that it was so late. I probably would have stayed and talked with you a bit longer, but it seemed like everyone was ready to leave. Don't worry... people disregard me alot do to my appearance... i kinda scare people LOL. Anyways, I am off to the club thought, and it was cool to meet you... i'm sure I'll be in again.... ( I love my Mandarin House, hehe )

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Raindroplover [2005-12-17 19:09:38 +0000 UTC]

Very interesting!
I love the models and the clothes are so cool!

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easy-target [2005-12-05 15:16:14 +0000 UTC]

oh man, i just love this layout. bleeding star is one of my favorite clothing companies ever.
congrats on the AP ad (another fav magazine aswell) keep it up.

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Angel-Soul [2005-12-03 10:24:16 +0000 UTC]

it looks great

across the UK?

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BleedingStarClothing In reply to Angel-Soul [2005-12-03 21:33:36 +0000 UTC]

I'm not actually sure if they sell AP in UK if that's what you are asking.

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Echo-Zero [2005-12-03 08:33:36 +0000 UTC]

This is great, i LOVE the design. The really creepy thing is, the second i opened this, my friend gave me the link to your website, and i was like, wow i love the design of this place, and then this picture loaded!!

ANYWAY. Beautfiul, this is really impresive work. <3

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BleedingStarClothing In reply to Echo-Zero [2005-12-03 21:34:51 +0000 UTC]

That's freakin crazy... thanks for the compliments!

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postcore [2005-12-03 07:10:04 +0000 UTC]

F*ing sweet, man. Congratulations on getting your ad in AP.. that's a pretty popular magazine, if I'm not mistaken.

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BleedingStarClothing In reply to postcore [2005-12-03 21:35:16 +0000 UTC]

150,000 issues. I'm pretty exciting, thank you for the congrats.

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ecta [2005-12-02 20:57:00 +0000 UTC]

looks soo nice

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Elephant45 [2005-12-02 18:22:17 +0000 UTC]

its cute

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