Berende — Random Scenes 2

Published: 2010-03-09 23:17:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 7059; Favourites: 126; Downloads: 0
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Another one! I'm having a lot of fun with these, actually.

1. The City on the Edge of Forever - Kirk explaining Spock's ears... priceless.

2. The Turnabout Intruder - Lester-in-Kirk filing his (her?) nails... again, priceless.

3. What Are Little Girls Made Of - phallic symbol what? I love TOS prop guys. :'D If you don't see anything strange in an oddly shaped pink stalactite, you're admirably innocent.

4. The City on the Edge of Forever - Kirk falling for Edith, Spock... isn't exactly thrilled. Awww honey. Worry not, like all Kirk's real loves, she's going to snuff it eventually.

5. This Side of Paradise - spores, spores, glorious spores! I should make a special just for spores. What Kirk was dying to say but couldn't 'cos Captains don't make a scene. (That blueshirt isn't McCoy, if you were wondering.)

6. Miri - Pfft THE BOY HAD SIDEBURNS!!1! Was it like, impossible to hire actual child/teen actors to play Miri and that guy? Ahhhh...

7. The Devil in the Dark - Spock, you're not worried about what other people are going to think? You're not implying that your FEELINGS might get hurt if McCoy made fun of your theory? No, I suppose not. I mean Vulcan's don't have feelings, right...

8. I, Mudd - I don't know which was more hilarious: Spock saying those things or Norman's tight outfit.

9. I, Mudd - add the weird and absolutely gloriously hilarious sounds Kirk makes right after his line! Ahh, this whole episode was so crack that I just can't stop loving it.
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Comments: 49

KotOR-MSTR [2014-07-31 01:57:32 +0000 UTC]

9-- I was laughing for nearly 10 minutes after playing that part over and over again! The noise he makes is so funny! (As well as the hand gestures, LOL)

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spock-lover [2012-12-17 01:45:35 +0000 UTC]

3. I saw that. And laughed. And laughed. And then wondered where my life was going.

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Moon-Light-Sky [2012-07-28 06:51:00 +0000 UTC]

I giggled when Kirk garbed that stalactite too

I loved the I, Mudd episode, the hole this was fun but when they took a trip to "wonderland" I could not stop laughing

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MychelleWonderland [2012-05-26 14:29:44 +0000 UTC]

2, 3, 5 and 9 are AMAZING. And that sound that Kirk does in I, Mudd, gimme impulses to hug my notebook, because is SO ADORABLE

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BluRemembra [2011-10-22 22:26:51 +0000 UTC]

I didn't see anything in that stalactite at first!!! Childhood = ruined O.o

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bcbdrums [2011-08-21 00:43:45 +0000 UTC]

mechanical rice picker XD spock: ORLY?
did you know kirk--i mean, shatner's kids were actually among the group in miri? but yeah, you're totally right about that dude. he annoyed me too XD
norman's tight outfit was embarrassing, but spock was so hilarious XD

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simplecoffee [2011-01-15 18:00:14 +0000 UTC]

"Because we don't like you. Now - *makes insane and adorable noise*"

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beckaloo [2010-11-25 01:45:12 +0000 UTC]

ahhh # 8 and 9 are great that episode cracked me up from beginning to end lol . i still cant figure out how kirk made that noise wih his mouth! it is just so weird and hilarious at the same time.

and "logical" spock going along with that weird charade at the end was friggin great i love this episode not because of the plot but because of its hilarity and stupidity at times!

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Berende In reply to beckaloo [2010-11-25 23:40:43 +0000 UTC]

That was an awesome episode. Even thinking about it makes me laugh.

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beckaloo In reply to Berende [2010-11-26 21:58:38 +0000 UTC]

i know it is one of my fav episodes! its one of the more silly ones that make you laugh and go wtf at the same time.

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J0j2 [2010-07-16 21:19:57 +0000 UTC]

These are so FTW.

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Ghost-Apple [2010-07-09 15:16:16 +0000 UTC]

BAHAHAHA! Star Trek is so full of win it not even funny... oh wait it is!! xD

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BaiLiHua [2010-05-02 01:55:25 +0000 UTC]

Your artwork is positively incredible. Are you planning on making more randomness? Please say yes.

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Berende In reply to BaiLiHua [2010-05-02 21:04:37 +0000 UTC]


Aw, I don't know... after five sheets of randomness I'm kinda running out of ideas. I do have a few, but not enough for a full sheet. At least not yet. So who knows... maybe I'll do more some day.

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BaiLiHua In reply to Berende [2010-05-02 22:33:59 +0000 UTC]

Well, that's fine. I thought I would check! Thanks. I'll enjoy the originals, for sure ...

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shazam26 [2010-03-20 04:41:19 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh I guessed them as I looked!
Dear Lord... I laughed so much at this!
Totally believable child with sideburns... I think I woke my roommates.

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Rniris [2010-03-14 20:30:16 +0000 UTC]

9. Holy crap. I LOVE THAT SCENE!! "Because... We don't like you. abupbupbupbup" In my opinion, that's one of the best Kirk moments in the Original Series.

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Vulcan-girl [2010-03-12 17:45:36 +0000 UTC]

I agree with Kirk on the 5th slide.

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TomMadeleine [2010-03-12 06:21:03 +0000 UTC]

omg, 3 6, and 7, MUST WACH XDDD

this is so funny! hehehehe XD
chinese spock~~~

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Berende In reply to TomMadeleine [2010-03-13 00:34:39 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes, you must watch 3 just to see the amazing stalactite... It really is... pink.

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TomMadeleine In reply to Berende [2010-03-13 05:46:25 +0000 UTC]

i saw a screencap of it once.....
....it was when i wasn't in the star trek fandom and......i was laughing and So wierded out ;;;;;

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wanderer-owl [2010-03-12 02:52:46 +0000 UTC]

I, Mudd.

I laught so hard.

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everything-anime [2010-03-11 21:52:09 +0000 UTC]

1, 4, 5 and 9 are my favorites XDD Those parts in the episodes always made me laugh.
And I love your little drawings! The expressions are too cute.

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Berende In reply to everything-anime [2010-03-11 23:08:40 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

Yeah, 1 is one of my all-time favourite scenes. It's just too fantastic.

And I must say that your avatar is absolutely adorable.

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everything-anime In reply to Berende [2010-03-12 05:28:06 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!

Yes, that whole episode was fantastic. Very tragic, though... but Spock was probably happy <<

Aww, thank you

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Judin [2010-03-10 23:37:42 +0000 UTC]

3! Seriously, they must have done that on purpose; it's so blatantly obvious! But ... why? Why insert the totally not-subtle penis in the middle of the episode?

Oh 4! My heart aches just to think about it! Hilarious expressions, though.

5! Love the rant and the arms in the air and Sulu + random crewman all spore-happy. Poor Kirk; it's not so much fun when it's Spock getting the girl, is it? You totally deserve it, though, for putting Spock through the same thing in so many episodes.

And 9! Kirk is so funny in that episode (asking for male androids. Bisexual much?).

I love your little chibis! Hope you do more of these!

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Berende In reply to Judin [2010-03-11 22:58:12 +0000 UTC]

It just had to be intentional, there's no way it could have been accidental. SOMEBODY would have said SOMETHING, the whole filming crew can't have been BLIND. But why indeed in the middle of the episode...

... because they couldn't stick it anywhere else?

Anyway, thank you! I will.

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roots-run-deep [2010-03-10 22:44:43 +0000 UTC]

#3. that made me die this time xD

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Zombilein [2010-03-10 20:45:06 +0000 UTC]

oh holy tribble !! sooooo funny!!!

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GothGirl911 [2010-03-10 20:41:13 +0000 UTC]

sigh, i loved 4 and 5. make more!

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yamihoole [2010-03-10 17:51:12 +0000 UTC]

These are so hilarious! Anything that makes me giggle this much must be good.I watched Devil in the Dark yesterday and thats totally what I thought when that scene came up! And I love I Mudd for its hilarious-ness

"Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers, that smell baaaad"

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Berende In reply to yamihoole [2010-03-10 22:44:01 +0000 UTC]

Ahh, just thinking about 'I Mudd' makes me giggle madly.

Thank you!

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InkSlingerWilde [2010-03-10 05:04:11 +0000 UTC]

These are amazing. Never stop.

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CatNipSoup [2010-03-10 02:16:10 +0000 UTC]

Some of my favorite scenes ever...

lol his real loves or his 'real loves' *finger quotes*...

Though, Spock did die too.....*ponders*

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Berende In reply to CatNipSoup [2010-03-10 22:41:10 +0000 UTC]

My point exactly

No really, when you think about it... everyone Kirk develops deep feelings for tend to die: Edith, Rayna (though I don't know how it goes with androids, but you know, she stopped operating at least ), Miramanee... oh and Spock, of course.

I hope I'm not forgetting anyone essential... crushes don't count. Neither does Elaan, Kirk was totally drugged.

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CatNipSoup In reply to Berende [2010-03-11 00:16:00 +0000 UTC]


But only his really real real loves get to come back...^w^

And I agree with you, entirely...crushes and drug induced loves don't count~

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Berende In reply to CatNipSoup [2010-03-11 21:09:40 +0000 UTC]

True, so very true...

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Anariel-Erestor [2010-03-10 00:59:23 +0000 UTC]

Loving the facial expression on Norman. LOL!

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JudiHyuga [2010-03-10 00:44:39 +0000 UTC]

Sulu's high on love!

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KCScribbler [2010-03-10 00:26:56 +0000 UTC]

EEEEE! #9!! The little adorably-weird-noise-and-hand-dismissal scene! XD And Spock's conspiratorial brilliance in 8...

Kirk's in-love face is so adorable I just want to squeeze him to death. And the nail-filing!

Don't stop with these, please! (and if you ever feel like taking requests, could you do the Bridge scene from Ultimate Computer with Spock all totally ditching the M5 for Kirk? It's my fave scene of the whole OS.)

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Berende In reply to KCScribbler [2010-03-10 22:30:15 +0000 UTC]

I'll keep on making these as long as I have ideas, so.

Hey, I'm always open for requests. Though I think that particular scene does not fit in with these, I keep imagining more than one panel about the scene... but then again... hmm... I'll keep it in mind and see what I can do.

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KCScribbler In reply to Berende [2010-03-10 22:31:32 +0000 UTC]

Mm, true. It's all good, anyhow, specially from you. XD

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Berende In reply to KCScribbler [2010-03-10 22:57:59 +0000 UTC]

Well aww, how kind of you to say so.

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Cynical-SunShine [2010-03-10 00:25:06 +0000 UTC]

No#1 and 9 made me laugh XD

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Newclear-Wesells [2010-03-10 00:19:36 +0000 UTC]

OMG that is hilarious!!!!! Number 3 is soooooooo funny, but so accurate which is the best part about it XD ..... The kid in number 6 looks kinda like Kirk's son David

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Berende In reply to Newclear-Wesells [2010-03-10 22:25:17 +0000 UTC]

Oh damn, I guess he kinda does... Come to think of it, the sideburn-kid probably wore shorter pants... and was possibly barefoot... Or maybe I'm just thinking about hobbits now... Gotta check the episode again, I guess.

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CSupernova [2010-03-09 23:37:49 +0000 UTC]

No. 3. That thing is still killing me XD

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Berende In reply to CSupernova [2010-03-10 22:23:43 +0000 UTC]

It's just too fantastic, isn't it?

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CSupernova In reply to Berende [2010-03-10 22:32:29 +0000 UTC]

It is so failsome it wins XD

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