Alias: Layse
Name: Alma Karlsson
Age: 24
Height: 5'3
Weight: 121 llbs
Sex: Female
Eye colour: White
Hair: Styled in a bob; half black, half white.
Misc: A 'shatter-like scar' graces her left eye, a strange dark bluish colour; this is a remnant of the accident that created her.
Orientation: Straight
S/O: Single
Powers and skill set: Able to manipulate two forms of energy in the form of 'whips'; one 'shadow-like' and 'smoky', the other 'bright' and 'light-like', but both solid and capable of lashing or binding opponents. With concentration, she can increase the flow of either energy, producing a 'decay' like effect with the darker whip, and an 'electrical burn' from the white whip.
Perhaps somewhat obviously, the way she uses her powers has taught her to be somewhat formiddible with 'physical' 'normal' bullwhips, though this skill is seldom seen.
Increased agility and endurance.
Perfect night vision, and an affinity for dark, even pitch black, settings make her potentially a very stealthy opponent; compared to normal or bright light, whereas she is no more stealthy than your average human.
Equipment: Two special 'handles' that she, herself, designed which allow her to focus her powers intensely into their whip-like forms. She could certainly use her powers without these, but they would be half as strong and much more difficult to shape into much but blobs.
Background/Reason: Dr. Alma Karlsson of Physics: That was all she ever wanted to be from the moment she had her first science class on the subject. Everything about physics was so fascinating to little Alma growing up, and with wealthy, if somewhat disconnected, parents, she could afford to indulge her interests in ways few other children would have been able to.
Why this? Why that? How this? How that? Questions assaulted her mind at nearly every waking hour from the time she was around 8, through her pre-teen years, all the way until she was 14. They just wouldn't stop, and Alma was just fine with that. Her parents were barely ever around, so why would friends ever be any better? Besides, she was the 'rich kid'; she was either 'cool' because of that, or she was by herself; she didn't much care which it was as long as she got to play with her obsessions whenever she could.
At 14, her obsessions happened to include lasers. She adored them; sure, she found them aesthetically pleasing, and 'pretty', but more than that, this was light that she could use science to /change/! She could split it through a prism, use it to detect chemicals (even in space!), and even turn it powerful enough to burn and engrave and 'cut'. Lasers were fascinating!
Of course, being science obsessed, she knew that 'shadow' and 'darkness' were just words for an area where photons had been blocked, or 'light was absent' but some childlike-part of her that just wouldn't go away kept prodding and poking the back of her mind, reminding her of when she was bookish and had read so much of 'dark sides' and 'evil black knights' and 'shadowy forces'. Why had that come to be? Why was light 'good' and shadow 'bad'? Shadow wasn't even a thing... was it?
She began to shift her focus, at first to older books, reading older scientific ideas, then to the old alchemy and 'sciences' of centuries past. At first, she scoffed and thought it nonsense, but she insisted (to herself) that her mind was 'open' and she was no true scientist unless she explored every avenue of thought and experimentation...
She was 16 when she summoned her first demon. She asked for nothing and immediately set it back to whence it came, according to instruction.
At first Alma refused to believe what she'd done, and tried to rationalize it; she'd followed the ritual of 'closing the gate' all the same, but convinced herself it was just because there were to be 'no deviations from the experiment'.
However, she was a novice with an insatiable greed, a thirst for true understanding and power over light and shadow in some form, and this had attracted the demon's attention.
She'd never quite succeeded in truly closing the gap, and dark eyes watched her grow for three years as she pursued her dreams and focused on the physics of light; photons and how they interacted with other particles.
Her parents were proud, but concerned, for their daughter had developed a dark edge; they were unaware, as was she, that the demon pulled little strings that tugged at the edges of one might call 'her soul', making sure she subtly took the path that it saw had the greatest potential for her darkest side.
At age 19, Alma's house burned down to nothing but a blackened shell.
Her parents were both killed in the blaze, and it seemed as though one of her experiments had caused the blaze, igniting a fire that had spread faster and more violently than anyone could escape... Except for Alma herself.
Not only did Alma walk, naked, out of the blaze, but the only indication she'd even been subject to /any/ kind of harm was a small 'shatter-like' scar on one eye, that seemed to be strangely 'dark blue' in tint.
Her eyes turned white and she found she could see, always, even in the darkest pitch black night.
She inherited her parents wealth, and (though there were always rumours) the fire was ruled and accident and herself not responsible; a matter of 'malfuntioning equipment' that would, unfairly, go to tarnish the reputation of the company that made the blamed piece.
As she grew into her adulthood, Alma made no more attempt than she ever had to acquire any kind of social connections bar what was 'useful' to her 'work', or what her money happened to bring her way.
She regained her interest in the occult shortly after the fire incident and now split her time between that and science, sometimes even attempting to merge the two.
She built a lab, private and secure, where she could use her wealth to do as she pleased, and it paid off one day, after a couple of years, with an incredible and surprising result.
One day, something not even the demon had foreseen occured; Alma summoned and caught it, but entirely without ritual.
Alma had summoned and bound a demon with science.
She never revealed what she'd done, and never even told the demon how she'd figured out how to do what she did, but she used a combination of magic and science to begin studying and 'mutating' her subject, fascinating by all the reactions even just small exposures to different kinds of light could produce in her demonic subject.
The demon, though enraged and trapped, also seemed almost admirable of the strange girl, even as she subjected it to torment and experimentation; what havoc she could bring to the world?! She had already surpassed its expectations and it had taken only the subtlest of nudges to bring her to this point!
It began to use its silken tongue to guide and persuade her, pushing her toward a desired point; it convinced her that she /had/ to recreate that experiment that had given her her scar! What would that same light, that same energy, do to a demon?!
Well, for one, it 'freed' the demon from its physical form, and sent its essence to entangle within Alma; its darkest essence spiralled through her soul like some diabolical genetic helix.
Alma and the demon were both gone, combined into one strange hybrid being; human and demon, scientist and devil.
Her hair turned from the once sandy blond to half white/half dark, her eyes grew, it seemed, even whiter and her scar 'shattered' further than before.
She looked at her hands, one holding a glowing white orb, the other holding a 'ball' of what seemed like smoke, and she laughed.
What was she?! Who was she?! What could she do with these new powers?
She'd never really been 'good', never really been bad (even she didn't really know if that accident was her!), but being bad? Well, now, being bad suddenly sounded like a lot of... fun.
Once she went public, she'd certainly lose whatever wealth she hadn't hidden! She'd better put some somewhere very hard to find!
Wait? Public with what? Oh! Being a supervillainess! Now /that/ would be a fun way to be bad!
A huge amount of fun!
Her powers... smoke and light, like her laser experiments.
Lasers; How pretty they were! That would be her name!
She was Layse! What a good name!
Her madness never went away, bubbling maniacly in her mind while she went to work in her lab, and using her wealth; she needed costumes! She needed to be able to use this new power in a superior way to making... luminiscent or shadowy 'blobs'! What would be fun? Whips!
And so, 'Layse' used Alma's scientific knowledge to create a more useful and dangerous form for her powers.
When she had her 'new toys' and her new look, Layse immediately found herself bored and thus she did what any aspiring supervillainess might do; what do-gooder could she /play/ with? Who'd be fun?
A few quick internet searches and a couple of video clips later, and Layse found herself replaying one of a hero called 'Multitude '.
What power! What an attitude! What a costume!
She giggled; oh yes, Multitude looked like exactly the kind of fun she wanted!
This is my second entry for ' villain contest !