Baron-Engel — Magic trick

#dreamscape #ponyville #mlpmylittlepony #applebloom #baronengel
Published: 2018-10-30 06:07:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 3203; Favourites: 150; Downloads: 68
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This is final drawing from my last stream Picarto    stream. There had been a couple of suggestions for Reaperbloom , and there had also been some requests for the Headless Horse. Well it just happens that in my Equestria dreamscape Applebloom with the help of her servant has picked up some new abilities and tricks. She even showed some of them off at the Ponyville Talent Show in a very recent dream.

    Applebloom took a deep breath. Then she slowly strolled out on to the stage her signature red bow flapping slightly as she walked. There was a murmur from the audience as they tried to decide what exactly her performance was going to be. Applebloom's family was seated in the front row of the outdoor theater. She didn't have any musical instrument or stage costume. Stopping near the edge of the stage she addressed the audience gathered.

    "Good evening! Tanight I will show ya some magic that very few ponies have ever seen! Behold!"

    Suddenly the filly's shadow leaped and engulfed her body up the neck, then it transformed into a suit a black plate armor that glistened like obsidian. There was a general murmuring from the crowd. Earth ponies were by their nature normally didn't perform magic like this, but there many rumors, stories, and tales surrounding Applejack younger sister now.

    The buttercream yellow filly proceeded to do a set of her practice katas in the plate. The armor softly hissed, sighed, and moaned slightly as she vaulted, leaped, rolled, and tumbled around the stage. The audience started stomping their hooves in a approval. The filly looked out at the ponies gathered.

    "That ain't nothing! How about this!" Suddenly great, black, glistening bat wings erupted from the armor as Applebloom launched herself into the night sky. The crowd became more vocal as she swooped, rolled, and flew above them. She came to a hover above them. "Now let me introduce y'all ta assistant!"

    The filly held her front hooves out at chest level; a blue violet orb started forming between the hooves. Suddenly a gigantic black scythe burst into existence. The filly grabbed it with her front hooves, as she did a great cat slit eye of malachite green snapped up on the scythe and the blade erupted with violet flame. Flying higher above audience now the filly began a set of aerial katas with scythe. This performance earned the filly various sounds of surprises and appreciation.

    Finishing her set the filly swoop over the stage and came to a hover about 10ft above it. Suddenly her voice boomed. As she did her best impression of the Royal Canterlot voice.


    In one swift stroke the edge of the scythe swung and took her head clean off. The filly's head sailed up into the nighttime sky. Then it fell back to earth. The filly's body reached out and grabbed it's head with its right front hoof. Then it tucked it under it's front right leg.

    "TAADAAA!" Yelled the filly with a big happy grin on her face.

    Several ponies swore Big Mac fainted although he denies that. Applejack who'd been taking a swig of cider sprayed it all over the place. Granny Smith just shook her head, and Miss Cheerilee stared dumbfounded while Stone Mane laughed. 

    And after that evening Applebloom was banned from ever competing again in any future Ponyville Talent Shows.

I hope you like what you see. Please help make more art like this possible by supporting me at Patreon  

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Comments: 47

NO-SoupForYou [2021-12-10 19:25:31 +0000 UTC]

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Baron-Engel In reply to NO-SoupForYou [2021-12-10 20:29:04 +0000 UTC]

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NO-SoupForYou In reply to Baron-Engel [2021-12-10 21:59:35 +0000 UTC]

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Baron-Engel In reply to NO-SoupForYou [2021-12-10 22:12:22 +0000 UTC]

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WargofAnthropo-cene [2019-04-17 08:02:36 +0000 UTC]

Is it possible Stone Mane's faith in Apple Bloom could deepen til he believes she can do anything, thanks to magic?

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Baron-Engel In reply to WargofAnthropo-cene [2019-04-17 14:00:20 +0000 UTC]

Well except for death. He knows already that she and Royal Sisters hold no sway over that. Everything else though he has deep, well deserved trust in her.

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WargofAnthropo-cene In reply to Baron-Engel [2019-05-06 16:28:30 +0000 UTC]

What did Stone Mane's uncle and aunt think at first when Stone Mane told them about the filly of Luna who helped him in his dreams?

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Baron-Engel In reply to WargofAnthropo-cene [2019-05-06 17:01:57 +0000 UTC]

Well they already knew that Luna was helping him with his nightmares and there is a dreamscape posting coming up where they will learn a bit more about Stone Mane's and AB's growing relationship, and yes they have questions.

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WargofAnthropo-cene In reply to Baron-Engel [2019-06-21 15:31:56 +0000 UTC]

Just when did you dream this dream, my friend?

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Baron-Engel In reply to WargofAnthropo-cene [2019-06-21 21:14:25 +0000 UTC]

In late October 2018.

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WargofAnthropo-cene In reply to Baron-Engel [2019-06-23 11:09:56 +0000 UTC]

It'll be worth waiting for.

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lordhoyle [2018-12-31 01:58:59 +0000 UTC]

Applebloom getting ahead in life

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Baron-Engel In reply to lordhoyle [2018-12-31 03:14:38 +0000 UTC]


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MviluUatusun [2018-12-01 18:06:36 +0000 UTC]

She was banned?  I can't imagine why they'd ban her.  LOL.

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GenericAvatar [2018-11-13 23:30:49 +0000 UTC]

Baron,is the long, fluffy, flowing tail on AB standard as the time of this event, or was it exaggerated for the pic?

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Baron-Engel In reply to GenericAvatar [2018-11-14 03:25:30 +0000 UTC]

It often occurs to her when she’s about to or is performing strong magic.

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K4nK4n [2018-11-01 21:25:11 +0000 UTC]

I knew I'd be seeing a Durahan cosplay sooner or later.

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Eskerata [2018-10-31 01:05:22 +0000 UTC]

With her head tucked underneath her arm
she walks the bloody tower
with her head tucked underneath her arm 
at the midnight hour

(Had to do it! Had to!)

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Ordonn [2018-10-31 00:51:48 +0000 UTC]


Why is Apple Bloom your goto for nightmare fuel?

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Baron-Engel In reply to Ordonn [2018-10-31 02:45:24 +0000 UTC]

"Cuz its Nightmare Night silly! Besides this here ain't real nightmare fuel stuff! Trust me I know a nightmare when I see it!"

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GoldandSliverDragon [2018-10-31 00:49:20 +0000 UTC]

Is that allow?

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GenericAvatar [2018-10-30 19:07:17 +0000 UTC]

I would have lone to see Luna's and Celestia's expressions when AB first demonstrated the head-pull trick to them without prior warning of its nature...

Baron, your origin as a tech artist is showing off wonderfully.

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Doodlesthegreat [2018-10-30 17:09:43 +0000 UTC]

Well, after an act like that, how do you top it? >_<

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ardashir [2018-10-30 16:15:40 +0000 UTC]

How the heck did she pull that last one off? Was Luna helping?

I also love how blase' Granny Smith was. I guess she really has seen everything!

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Baron-Engel In reply to ardashir [2018-10-30 16:36:59 +0000 UTC]

How the heck did she pull that last one off? Was Luna helping?

Nope her servant/symbiote lets do some pretty amazing things.

I also love how blase' Granny Smith was. I guess she really has seen everything!

Yep Granny is pretty jaded by now.

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scoutyscout99 [2018-10-30 15:45:04 +0000 UTC]

Ok but she did put her head on backwards and say like "look Granny! Now I can see what I'm bucking!"

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scoutyscout99 [2018-10-30 15:43:25 +0000 UTC]

Like the smoke,and the vein detail on her wings

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jamesdoe12 [2018-10-30 13:45:25 +0000 UTC]

Fittingly creepy for Halloween!  With a performance like that, it's probably a miracle she wasn't banned from Ponyville itself.  Luna must have been very upset with her afterward.

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Baron-Engel In reply to jamesdoe12 [2018-10-30 16:43:34 +0000 UTC]

She was not amused when it appeared in the papers and had another talk with her blade mare.

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Uchihaninja [2018-10-30 11:16:40 +0000 UTC]

Dullahan-Bloom... Nice.

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Orca19904 In reply to Uchihaninja [2018-10-30 13:44:39 +0000 UTC]

I wonder if they have motorcycles in Baron's Equestria...

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Baron-Engel In reply to Orca19904 [2018-10-31 04:57:58 +0000 UTC]

Not officially.

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NezumiYuki In reply to Orca19904 [2018-10-31 04:23:29 +0000 UTC]

Initially I would think yes, however Baron pointed out a few details I was unaware of, so actually Jingles... No...

And thus my comment has been edited to reflect actual facts. ^^

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Baron-Engel In reply to NezumiYuki [2018-10-31 04:58:56 +0000 UTC]

That was a joke piece and doesn't reflect my main Equestria dreamscape.

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NezumiYuki In reply to Baron-Engel [2018-10-31 05:07:42 +0000 UTC]

Ohhhhh pardon!

Hmmm I think dA still lets folks edit comments even hours after posting.

I'll remove all that.  ^^

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Knightwolf1785 [2018-10-30 08:24:00 +0000 UTC]

I thought it was a cut above the norm. ^^

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speedox12 In reply to Knightwolf1785 [2018-10-30 13:01:21 +0000 UTC]


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Knightwolf1785 In reply to speedox12 [2018-11-01 08:30:45 +0000 UTC]

I'm not sure what you said there, but I thought it was funny. ^^

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Orca19904 In reply to Knightwolf1785 [2018-10-30 10:59:44 +0000 UTC]


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Knightwolf1785 In reply to Orca19904 [2018-10-31 23:23:31 +0000 UTC]

Yup. ^^

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NezumiYuki [2018-10-30 07:52:44 +0000 UTC]

Blooms really... You ought to warn your brother if you're gonna do something gruesome like that. I'm also glad Granny took it much better than Mac has. Geez you could have scared her out of her hide... well okay let's not think bout it too much...

On the plus side, Stonemane thought your act was hilarious, so I guess that's good.

Good one Baron, I must say that Blooms does make for a rather convincing dullahan. Though I'm beginning to wonder if Blooms armor is getting tired of her shi* by now? xDDDD

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Baron-Engel In reply to NezumiYuki [2018-10-30 16:41:31 +0000 UTC]

Blooms really... You ought to warn your brother if you're gonna do something gruesome like that. I'm also glad Granny took it much better than Mac has. Geez you could have scared her out of her hide... well okay let's not think bout it too much...

AJ was the one who almost hyperventilated at the performance and freaked out the most after the show.

On the plus side, Stonemane thought your act was hilarious, so I guess that's good.

By now the two of them have done a couple of missions together so Stonemane has learned this is pretty much business as usual when it comes to AB.

Though I'm beginning to wonder if Blooms armor is getting tired of her shi* by now? xDDDD

No but it is kind confused at times. "You want to do what?"

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Orca19904 In reply to NezumiYuki [2018-10-30 13:38:08 +0000 UTC]

....Now I'm imagining AB wearing a black leather jumpsuit and a blue & yellow motorcycle helmet.

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NezumiYuki In reply to Orca19904 [2018-10-30 22:36:33 +0000 UTC]

Black leathers Biker Blooms, eh Orca?  Sounds nice!

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Orca19904 In reply to NezumiYuki [2018-10-31 02:42:39 +0000 UTC]

Was trying to make a reference to this character.

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NezumiYuki In reply to Orca19904 [2018-10-31 03:31:15 +0000 UTC]


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!   Neat, and thanks for sharing that Orca, looks like I got another animus to look into now.

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TheMultiBrony22 [2018-10-30 06:17:44 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! ^_^

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