lynkx-ie [2007-12-22 23:12:47 +0000 UTC]
A stray? Wow... looks very healthy to be a stray... course most the ones that I have seen are gangly looking... poor things...
Lovely picture! Fluffy kii kii!
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Badgertaur In reply to lynkx-ie [2007-12-22 23:18:24 +0000 UTC]
Well, you can't really call her a stray. Several of the neighbors on my street care for her. I know at least 2 of us feed her and my dad built her a cat house outside on our porch, my next door neighbor grooms her, and the lady across the street keeps her flea and tick free! She is very loving but will NOT come into the house, and if we do manage to get her in she just cries and cries until you let her out.
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