Ajoite Kittycorn
Characteristics: Healing
This kittycorn has heart of glass.
She is very sensitive and empathetic and responds strongly to things and occurences.
With this characteristic, they have the ability to be in tune with their emotions and also help others realise their true emotions that may be hidden.
The meaning of the name of this stone comes from Ajo, Arizona USA where it was first discovered. It may also be called Ajo Quartz when it occurs as an inclusion in quartz. It has also been found in Zimbabwe and South Africa.
It is now becoming hard to find, even rare, to get this stone on its own, on a stone matrix, but it is more readily available as a turquoise blue, or blue-green inclusion in quartz.
When seen in quartz, the inclusion may translucent, as phantoms or patches in the stone. Even though the stone itself is now classified as rare, they are readily available in quartz at good crystal suppliers.
The specimen pieces of this stone will be expensive, but usually small pieces can be found at an affordable price.
Source: www.healing-crystals-for-you.c…
SB: $150
Min Increment: $5
AB2: $550
Painterly bust:
Payment Plan: Yes
Owner: Sammyhoover (SB)
Auction ends 48hrs after the last bid~
*You are free to edit the species characteristics e.g. make them into a regular kemonomimi or unicorn-mimi etc. You can change her horn to a regular horn, but you cannot change it to another stone/gem/metal!
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