Arreal — Emperor Titan

Published: 2014-03-03 18:14:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 5356; Favourites: 37; Downloads: 11
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Scorpiopt [2023-06-11 11:31:18 +0000 UTC]

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Demonkingswrath [2023-04-23 16:00:29 +0000 UTC]

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PlasmaKat [2016-02-20 23:33:46 +0000 UTC]

Don't you love planet bombardments ..... Also sun beams are a thing .... plus blackholes... Antimatter bombs .... Catch it unawares before the void shield cuts on, and *BAM!*  instint decimation with a somewhat intact planet. Brightside if it protected itself it can't hurt you as it's own shields stop it from firing..... THats where the Federation, and republic are. However against the rest of the 40k universe ..... HAIL THE EMPOEROR OF MAN!

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narrva In reply to PlasmaKat [2018-09-15 18:25:08 +0000 UTC]

Actually, its armor is known to take heavier damage than the void shields.  So, it's shields being down' wouldn't actually matter if the void shields were a concern in the first place.  Also, it CAN shoot down enemy warships.  Oh, and it can fire through its shields just fine.  There are no shields in Warhammer 40K that prevent the user from firing through them.  It isn't ever explained or anything, just hand-waived.

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Shutterflyerr [2014-07-24 12:22:56 +0000 UTC]

I always wonder how they are deployd. Giant dropship? Or do they never leave their Forge World?

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PlasmaKat In reply to Shutterflyerr [2016-02-20 23:35:57 +0000 UTC]

These are so Badass they literally walk through the warp. Like a ship going through. Well in one iteration anyway.

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AnimusNocturnus In reply to Shutterflyerr [2015-03-30 00:45:50 +0000 UTC]

My bet would be that they do it like it is done with overly large vehicles today, too. They are taken apart at their joints loaded into carriers, brought to a convenient construction site and put together again. All the time the imperial army does what it can do best: hold the fucking line.

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narrva In reply to AnimusNocturnus [2018-09-15 18:26:02 +0000 UTC]

Some pieces of lore have Titans being deployed via giant drop pods and stomping out to the enemy's immense horror.

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Shutterflyerr In reply to AnimusNocturnus [2015-03-30 08:38:00 +0000 UTC]

Seems like a logical explanation.

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Arreal In reply to Shutterflyerr [2014-07-24 15:13:34 +0000 UTC]

I believe that it is the Adeptus Mechanicus fleets (or the Imperial Navy) that mostly transports the Titan Legions around... it is hard to say how they gets the titans on and off a planet, but I think your idea with a giant dropship could be right.. maybe the novel Titanicus can tell more about it (a book I still need to get my hands on)

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Shutterflyerr In reply to Arreal [2014-07-24 19:34:11 +0000 UTC]

I don't like that this is always ignored in fiction. I really love ridiculously big killing machines,but it is rarely shown how they get from on planet to another.(Or it is like in Pacific Rim,where a few helicopters carry the Jaegers even though they woulld need hundreds if not thousands of them to carry one)

I also need to get this book.

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DeathsSilkyMist In reply to Shutterflyerr [2014-09-03 16:02:29 +0000 UTC]

One of the Iron Warrior books (Post Heresy) describes how a Warlord class Titan makes planetfall. They had a giant transport built from the husk of a Tyranid space ship. It was able to enter the atmosphere and hover above the drop zone. They lower the titan from the drop ship. They do not describe how they pick it back up, I would assume in the same fashion.

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Shutterflyerr In reply to DeathsSilkyMist [2014-09-03 20:26:16 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the Info! Is there any special reason they used a Tyranid ship?

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DeathsSilkyMist In reply to Shutterflyerr [2014-09-04 15:09:39 +0000 UTC]

They were chaos space marines, so probably just because it's cool lol. If I had to make a more serious guess, it is likely due to lack of materials. It is much easier to take a ship that is already able to withstand the stress of entering orbit and modify it to fit your needs. To my knowledge Chaos does not have nearly as many dry docks or supply/manufacturing planets as the Imperium. They rely on pillaging to get what they need.

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Nyarlathotep001 [2014-03-04 03:27:08 +0000 UTC]

witch federation and republic?

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Arreal In reply to Nyarlathotep001 [2014-03-04 11:11:34 +0000 UTC]

the federation from Star Trek and the Republic from Star Wars

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palguenumber3 In reply to Arreal [2014-03-07 03:07:54 +0000 UTC]

The who and who....Maybe i was hearing speed bump and strait down....cuz well looks above... that's not even ship grade weaponry.

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Arreal In reply to palguenumber3 [2014-03-07 20:30:10 +0000 UTC]

well the titan is dealing with ground forces but remember this, if a titan walks the battlefield you can be sure that the Imperial Nevy is out in space ripping enemy fleets apart XD (or trying to )

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Nyarlathotep001 In reply to Arreal [2014-03-04 18:09:45 +0000 UTC]


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