Comments: 15
picnokinesis [2019-06-07 11:33:28 +0000 UTC]
YELLS BECAUSE EX!AU my BABIES (I know I literally saw all these in person but I STILL LOVE THEM A LOT OK? xD)
AND ALL OF THESE ARE GREAT!!! I was just thinking, one of the cool things you've developed with your art style is different face shapes? I think you might have actually mentioned to me that you were working on it at some point, but I think you're doing AWESOMELY with it, it's super cool!
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ArcherVale In reply to picnokinesis [2019-06-09 04:58:35 +0000 UTC]
AAAA THANK YOU!!!!!! I'm really really glad to hear that, I was trying to work on that a lot after drawing only gravity falls for like 3 years xD It really fucked up my way of drawing in a way but also helped in trying to draw with a little more variety, I think I'm back in the groove of least sometimes xD
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picnokinesis In reply to ArcherVale [2019-06-09 13:47:42 +0000 UTC]
YESSSSSSSSSS OH MY DAYS I forgot I said that!!! Thank you oh man xD I need them
Oh really? That makes a lot of sense actually, now I think about it. I think GF also got me drawing slightly varied face shapes too actually....but hooray for artistic growth!Β Β
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ArcherVale In reply to picnokinesis [2019-06-26 03:51:18 +0000 UTC]
Pff, youre welcome?? xDΒ
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ArcherVale In reply to Chocolate-X-My-Mouth [2019-05-22 00:27:54 +0000 UTC]
And then cause you have so many you don't know where to start and get nothing done xD
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Visarray [2019-05-20 00:13:58 +0000 UTC]
lol, I faved this before I even got a proper look XD ITS SO AMAZING WOW!!!
I cant wait for part 2!
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