AoArchangel — Purple and Orange

#canine #cellshading #fireballs #running #fire
Published: 2018-02-01 07:46:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 276; Favourites: 42; Downloads: 0
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Description After having art block and not liking my drawings for some time, I finally drew something I'm happy with ;w; Couldn't decide on a character to draw for this, so I went with an adopted character. I got the idea for the fire balls from another artist who made a drawing with butterflies being the light source. Thought that the character's purple would look good with orange, so I went with that. I don't have a lot of fire elementals, especially in this character's world, so I thought it'd be perfect~ I also decided to draw the character without using any references. I used some for the paws, but that's it. As for the rest, I used references. I even took the color of the sky from an anime pic. I didn't want the drawing to take place during the day, but I wanted SOME light so I didn't make the character totally dark. The shading was a lot of fun, although I have to admit I referenced another artist's drawing to get an idea as to how I should do it :'D I usually don't know where to start shading when it comes to the second shading layer. I think it helped a lot tho. I decided to time myself with this so I could see just how long it takes me to draw a full illustration, this one only took a little under 8 hours. Had no idea I made drawings so quickly, but I know I worked hard on it. I honestly don't know how some artists drawings take so much longer, but maybe working on a larger canvas has some to do with it. I'm really happy with this drawing, so I guess that should be enough. Despite not taking as long to do as I though it would, I still consider it a full illustration.

Character was adopted from 9nails . Changed the design a bit, and added on to the swirl patterns. Hope the little changes are ok! :0
Art and character belong to me.
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Comments: 7

shaquilleoatmeal124 [2024-11-25 08:23:11 +0000 UTC]

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Arch-Core [2018-02-01 16:41:53 +0000 UTC]

No worries! I don't mind you changing the design! And I actually use refs half and half on my drawings. Since my art is actually rather stylized, I tend to just reference poses and sometimes pasw and feet, but when designing species, I'll have a lot of refs for features and ect. Also, I don't get how artists even take 8 hours on an art. xD I take maybe 3 hours max on my art, though sometimes I think about slowing down to see what I can do in a larger time frame.

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AoArchangel In reply to Arch-Core [2018-02-02 01:23:23 +0000 UTC]

Ah, that's good! :3 With the legs designed the way they were, I would've had to put two models in the ref showing both sides of the character ;w; Thought what I did was easier XD I see! I notice there are some artists who's art is a lot more stylized and don't really focus too much on anatomy and details :0 I used to do that, but I'm pretty happy with what I'm currently doing now XD
That makes sense! I would too if I were drawing different species of animals or something :0
I think one thing that had to do with it was how large my canvas was and how I color. My own laptop has some to do with it too since it can get pretty slow sometimes :'D Another thing that took a little longer was that grass in the background. I did each blade stroke for stroke in Sai since my tablet driver stops working in Photoshop sometimes. More time consuming that way, but I have no choice :'3 I'd love to see what you'd do in a larger time frame too~

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Arch-Core In reply to AoArchangel [2018-02-02 01:25:14 +0000 UTC]

I work on 6000x4000 canvases on average tbh. Sometimes larger for tiny details.

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AoArchangel In reply to Arch-Core [2018-02-02 01:47:33 +0000 UTC]

Wow! My largest canvases are about 4000 x 3000 :0 My laptop might not be able to handle anything bigger, but I'd love to try it on a larger scale XD

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Arch-Core In reply to AoArchangel [2018-02-02 01:48:55 +0000 UTC]

I've once done a piece on a 20000x10000 canvas. When resizing things, there was a lot of waiting, but it didn't even crash.

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AoArchangel In reply to Arch-Core [2018-02-02 01:57:53 +0000 UTC]

Wow! That's pretty huge XD Sai would've either crashed, or it'd tell me the canvas is too large :'3 Makes me wonder how big other artists make their canvases :0 I've been curious about that. Some must be pretty big ;w;

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