Decoration【Miscellaneous Cuteness】
Gold and pink. ^_^ Enjoy~♥
New Rules For My Pixel ArtDue to an outbreak of theft, tracing and using my pixels for profit, I have decided to change my rules. I hate to do this, but I refuse to remain silent while people take my hard work that I've spent HOURS on and use it for their own benefit. This is MY talent. MY work.
If my pixels specify that they are free to use / f2u, one may use them on other sites, but I require you link back to me. This includes dA.
Do not remove my signature.
My pixels are not to be used for profit in any shape or form. I am now including people who reupload my work for f2u profile coding. The reason behind including this is the rash of thieves using my pixel work for purchase code, which I have expressly prohibited. Unfortunately, I am forced to include all reuploads to stop most of this from happening.
Do not trace my work. It's lazy and f*cking pathetic. Don't do it. Create your own content
Any donations for using my pixels would be amazing.
Other Pixel Work :