Angel-soma — PKMN_Sunset

Published: 2011-07-15 16:24:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 1194; Favourites: 118; Downloads: 0
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Description For #EeveeFanClub 's contest, where you had to draw a picture using only 2 colors. I chose pink and blue.

I had fun with this one. It was different having to shade and highlight using only black/white, but I figured it out. Not only was the way I colored it different, but as you may (or may not) see, the lineart is somwhat sketchy. I was going to try a line-less drawing, but I couldn't get it to look right. Rather then having nice clean lineart, I made the lineart this way because I feel it fits with the way I colored.

I hope I win.

Art © to me, *Angel-soma
Vaporeon © Game Freak
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Comments: 35

DuskyWind [2011-10-15 22:22:02 +0000 UTC]

Shiny Vaporeon is awesome! I wish i had one

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Angel-soma In reply to DuskyWind [2011-10-16 02:42:53 +0000 UTC]

I don't have one either. :c

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HotDeidara [2011-07-16 18:06:16 +0000 UTC]

gasp! its pink!!!! is it a shiny?

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Angel-soma In reply to HotDeidara [2011-07-16 18:30:29 +0000 UTC]

Yep! c:

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Pokemonluuverr [2011-07-16 10:56:48 +0000 UTC]

the color is wat vaporeon looks like when it's shiny and OMG i luv vaporeon

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Angel-soma In reply to Pokemonluuverr [2011-07-16 16:51:41 +0000 UTC]

haha Yep, this one's a shiny. c:

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Pokemonluuverr In reply to Angel-soma [2011-07-17 11:46:41 +0000 UTC]

lol i hav seen a few shiny pokemon i only hav 2 thought

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SuperSmurgger [2011-07-16 07:30:11 +0000 UTC]

So freakin' adorable and sweet !!!!!!!! What a lovely coloring !!!

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Angel-soma In reply to SuperSmurgger [2011-07-16 16:50:23 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much! c:

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amlaur [2011-07-15 19:37:57 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful, colourful vaporeon, love it ^_^

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Angel-soma In reply to amlaur [2011-07-15 19:45:41 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! ^^

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BlinkyIris [2011-07-15 18:06:29 +0000 UTC]

I like it! Good job hun =w=

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Angel-soma In reply to BlinkyIris [2011-07-15 18:16:10 +0000 UTC]

Thank you~

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Rika-of-Thunder [2011-07-15 17:44:30 +0000 UTC]

Looks pretty~! *w* I think though it would have blended a bit better if you'd shaded the Vaporeon with a dark blue or purple instead of black, but that's just me XD

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Angel-soma In reply to Rika-of-Thunder [2011-07-15 17:55:27 +0000 UTC]

Yeah it most likely would've looked cool, but the contest's rules says I can't do that. Maybe I'll post and version 2 with altered colors sometime.

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Rika-of-Thunder In reply to Angel-soma [2011-07-15 18:30:18 +0000 UTC]

Really? Not even with blue? That's kinda stupid :C

And you should do that~! I bet it'll look awesome~ :3

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Angel-soma In reply to Rika-of-Thunder [2011-07-15 18:34:32 +0000 UTC]

I think that's what it said, I'll have to reread the rules.

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CheezieSpaz [2011-07-15 17:16:09 +0000 UTC]

to be honest i feel a little ripped off :'|

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Rika-of-Thunder In reply to CheezieSpaz [2011-07-15 18:38:57 +0000 UTC]

Really? Cuz your pic actually looks like it ripped off this one- [link] With both the background and the tail.

It's just a coincidence, there is no need for you to lash out like this.

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CheezieSpaz In reply to Rika-of-Thunder [2011-07-15 19:43:03 +0000 UTC]

i've always drawn my vaporeon tails like that. anyway i cooled down a bit and apologized.

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Rika-of-Thunder In reply to CheezieSpaz [2011-07-15 19:50:57 +0000 UTC]

Right, so you see how it's not hard to get similar things from different artists by mere coincidence~

And that's good to hear~ :3

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CheezieSpaz [2011-07-15 17:01:17 +0000 UTC]

wow this looks a lot like the Delta pic i drew yesterday [link]

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Angel-soma In reply to CheezieSpaz [2011-07-15 17:52:41 +0000 UTC]

haha I actually like yours more then mine, yours looks realistic.

I don't appreciate how you said I 'ripped you off' in the artist's comments however. I have never even seen your picture, and it was only posted yesterday. You think I was able to draw this all in one day? I've been working on it for several. If I had posted my picture first, you wouldn't have liked it if I said you ripped me off, let alone if I actually decided to mention it in the picture's artist's comments too. Sorry you feel ripped off, but I didn't do anything. :/

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CheezieSpaz In reply to Angel-soma [2011-07-15 19:32:15 +0000 UTC]

sorry it was a bit uncalled for i was a bit snippy earlier and i got things going on. i took a breather from the computer for a good few hours and i feel better now. i apologize for taking it out on you a little.

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Angel-soma In reply to CheezieSpaz [2011-07-15 19:45:05 +0000 UTC]

It's alright, I understand how you got upset over it. Thank you for apoligizing instead of turning this into one of those drama-filled fights this website is known for. I actually think it's funny how we both had the same idea and posted them within 24 hours of each other. Cx Great minds think alike, right?

Oh and goodluck in the contest! I don't think I'll win now, there's no way this picture of mine is getting more votes then your cute underwater one. haha

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CheezieSpaz In reply to Angel-soma [2011-07-15 19:50:22 +0000 UTC]

yeah i guess so lol. again, sorry if i offended or anything. no hard feelings right?

and psshhh knowing the people in the eeveefanclub there's bound to be one or two that are gonna be like "boom" and catch everyone's attention xD i thought i had the last contest but looking at the results guess it slipped away xD -shrug- oh well. i dont draw to win anyway. it's just fun experimenting with different techniques and different ideas. good luck to you too x3

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Angel-soma In reply to CheezieSpaz [2011-07-15 19:59:56 +0000 UTC]

No hard feelings~

haha Oh really? I usually never enter the contests, I just thought the concept of only 2 colors sounded fun, so I decided to enter. though it'd be lovely to win too Ah sorry about the last contest, maybe you'll win this one instead. c:

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CheezieSpaz In reply to Angel-soma [2011-07-15 20:02:32 +0000 UTC]

who knows lol -hugs-

though the rules were very confusing for this one i almost didnt enter @ux;;;; then i looked at how i draw delta and was liek ".... i only use two colors for him.." and snatched him up. it only took me about two hours to do [i tend to work fast] and i keep forgetting that others may not draw as fast as i do xD; part of the reason i got a bit defensive earlier

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Angel-soma In reply to CheezieSpaz [2011-07-15 20:12:46 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I was reading how a few people were confused about what was considered a different color or if it's a shade. This was originally going to be an Espeon, because I thought of the card I have where it's ontop of the water. I thought shiney espeons were blue though, so I would have a blue espeon with the pink sky and a pink reflection in the blue water. When I found out shiney ones were green though.. Vaporeon. I didn't end up making the reflection blue though because I thought it wouldn't show up well.

I'm never sure how many hours I actually take to draw stuff, I stop and start again and just lose track of time that I can only say how many days I worked on it.

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CheezieSpaz In reply to Angel-soma [2011-07-15 20:16:55 +0000 UTC]

lol i actually like the green espeon i dont know why people dis on it so much xD i even have a green espeon character... and she thinks she can take on dark types.

when it comes to drawing i never seem to wanna stop. sure i'll take breaks but they're always shortlived and i get right back on it. i always wanna make sure to keep going on it and get things as ..perfect as they're gonna get xD im actually still working on a commission though but that's cause i got bored with it mid-draw xD; im so close to getting done with it but i cant bring myself to finish it lol

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Angel-soma In reply to CheezieSpaz [2011-07-15 20:26:06 +0000 UTC]

It's not that I don't like them being green, it's just that my idea wouldn't have worked. The water would've had to been green too, or grass instead. Since I liked the water reflection idea I just decided to switch pokemon.

For me it all depends on my mood, how long the picture is going to take, and if I have a hard time drawing it. When I really get into a drawing I'll be working on it for hours without even realising the time, but if I'm having trouble or it just seems to take forever, I get either bored or annoyed with it. Then I stop and either draw something else or just stop drawing and do something different.

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CheezieSpaz In reply to Angel-soma [2011-07-15 20:27:22 +0000 UTC]

that's understandable lol

with the commission i was in a real creepypasta mood for a while then fell out of it so i probably wont get back to it til i feel like drawing creepypasta again xD;

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Angel-soma In reply to CheezieSpaz [2011-07-15 20:32:26 +0000 UTC]

Creepy...pasta? xD What is that?

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CheezieSpaz In reply to Angel-soma [2011-07-15 20:37:28 +0000 UTC]

just as it sounds. creepy pictures of pokemon. i got a zombie umbreon oc and i draw her killing off other pokemon as side commissions [though those commish's are currently closed]. i still have to draw her with hydreigon, mew, articuno, uhh.. eating ash and i think the last one was breloom or something.

some people get mad at me saying "omigosh you killed my favorite pokemon" but they jump at me without seeing that i even drew my own favorite pokemon eaten xD; -shrug- i dunno i like creepy things lol though i havent been in the right mood to draw it lately

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Angel-soma In reply to CheezieSpaz [2011-07-15 22:02:49 +0000 UTC]

Oh I see. Cx I don't really like creepy stuff, so it's no wonder I never heard of it before.

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