andyhutchinson — Seven Mile Beach

Published: 2017-01-20 00:24:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 336; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 0
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Description We've had a welcome respite from the heat here in NSW. The day before yesterday the temperature fell from 41ºc down to 23ºc within the space of a couple of hours. And as much as I love the warm weather, 23º is far easier to work in. Anyway, the southerly change that brought the cooler temperatures has also brought some much-needed rain. And in a break with tradition, our washing line is not full of previously bone-dry washing as, for once, we actually managed to get everything in before the heavens opened. So that's nice. Anyway, knowing it would be totally clouded over and raining this morning, I slept in. Yummy. So here's one of the thousands of shoots I have in my Lightroom library and have never previously shared. It is, of course, Seven Mile Beach looking as moody as ever. Okay ducks, on with the way, the weekend awaits ...
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Comments: 2

AveragePhotographer [2017-01-30 19:25:05 +0000 UTC]


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andyhutchinson In reply to AveragePhotographer [2017-02-16 00:26:01 +0000 UTC]


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