So glad I found time to ink this! Not sure whether I posted the sketch but this version came out better.
Shipping-Gentleman , these two are featured in my BNHA fanfiction that you said you’d like to read (last year I think?)
Pose based off an ad from the '80s.
I’ve been wanting to design Shotgun & Wall Flower’s casual clothes, and I’ve been struggling with the right hairstyle for him. Now I’m satisfied!
Pose inspirée d’une pub des années 80. Ça fait un bout de temps que je voulais imaginer le look en civil de Shotgun et Wall Flower, et j’ai pas mal galéré avec sa coiffure à lui. Me voilà ENFIN satisfaite
La pose está basada en una publicidad ochentera.
Ya hace un rato que me daba ganas de diseñar el estilo cotidiano de Shotgun y Wall Flower, y desde el principio me costaba mucho decidirme para sus cabellos a él. Por fin estoy satisfecha
Shotgun & Wall Flower (c) Me
Colored version: Little Red Corvette
Title inspired by Little Red Corvette by Prince here:…
More BNHA art:…