"Mtoto was running late, the little stallion, was on his way back to his cave. He had strayed a little to far from the safety of his cave, and following behind was a overly eager mare. Bourbon had caught the little stallion out on his own catching a small rabbit and thought it cute. She curiously watched the male from afar, he looked like hed be fun to mess with. Mtoto had been so distracted with catching his meal he hadnt taken noticed on the mare gazing upon him. Mtoto ran in circles kicking up some dirt as the rabbit scampered about trying to loose the lilliput. It screamed as mtoto clamped his jaws down on its neck and began to eat. All the while Bourbon grinned ever eager to tease the little guy. The mare flicked her tail blue eyes falling upon her newest victim.
Mtoto finished his meal before catching a whiff of something. The male looked around ears alert his large eyes taking in the night and its shadows. Bourbon crouched down covering her mouth to keep from laughing. This little cutey was cautious and it was adorable. The female waited for the perfect moment before trotting in like she owned the place. Mtoto nearly squealed in pure panic and fright. He stood frozen staring at the mare as the sun began to rise. Bourbon on the other hand smoothed her way closer grinning cheekily. "My my...arent you cute..." her silky tone left her lips as she patted those eye lashes. Mtoto tried to speak back, his bottom lip trembling as he, shuddered.
Oh this was all a fun game for the mare as she trotted closer which seemed to strike a chord in Mtoto. The little stallion suddenly reared eager to run and get back to the safety of his home. Bourbon laughed lightly "Are you so frightened you cant speak?" she tilted her head to the side perking her ears forward as she edged closer to the stumbling stallion. Mtoto finally got his legs to do what his brain had been screaming -run. Bourbon blushed watching the male run in pure fear. "Oh now your making this interesting.." she chased after the male. A clattering of hooves echoed in the underbrush of the jungle. Mtoto was blinded with fear running as fast as those little legs could carry him straight to his cave. Bourbon had lost the male somewhere along the way. "Drat....the male can move..Ill find you little one..." she called out a small smile on her face."
Word Count: 424
EB's Belong to Fargonon & ChiibiNess
Stats For Horses: (Total: 12)
+2 Background
+3 For fullBody
+2 for extra FB
+1 Shading
+2 400 Words
+2 For extra character in writing
Art is copyrighted to me. You MAY NOT use, alter, trace, or upload without my permission.
EB's Belong To Fargo.