Comments: 86
Amarena-Berry In reply to Irysdal [2010-01-04 22:08:00 +0000 UTC]
I know, but how fucking long do you want me to spend ona picture like this? xD
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Amarena-Berry In reply to Irysdal [2010-01-05 19:37:39 +0000 UTC]
It's okay, I was just joking anyway. Just don't take everything so serious. *bumps you* xD
But be assured that I needed a lot fo time to do so many different skull, just like coloring the rest of the picture. I think you can multiply your working time with ten or even more, then you have mine. xD
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Irysdal In reply to Amarena-Berry [2010-01-05 21:09:00 +0000 UTC]
okay, but i need to have good programs too, i've only one named paint, and it is really bad for coloring or anything else.
I prefer working with a pen, (or a mechanical one), and a ruber/erasor.
I do like "sketching", like i always say. (but sadly,that mean doodling for anybody else )
That's the reason why i spend less than 2 hours for a draw.
So, if i want to have "yours", i need to train to do real linearts, inking too, and have colorings programs, or whatever it's called.
In fact, that's the reason i like your works (and others DAs), because you are able to do great things, with a pen or a computer's program.
You do have talent, and it's cool!
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Amarena-Berry In reply to Irysdal [2010-01-07 20:39:14 +0000 UTC]
Do you have a scanner? Since it's also possible to scan your pictures, resize them and then ink and color in paint as well. This way you don't need to sketch the whole thing with mouse and just have to use the line tools to trace it. Same goes for shadings and highlights.
Yes, I did a picture of Harmonie waaay back. That was her second design. It still looks quite similar to her current one, but I changed things slightly. C:
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Amarena-Berry In reply to Irysdal [2010-01-11 16:43:58 +0000 UTC]
For making pictures darker and other simply edits, I'd advice you a program called IrfanView. It's free, easy to handle and really handy. You can't color picture there, though it's really good for resizing or making pencil-outlines darker and such. x3
Harmonie's very first design you don#t want to see. It sucked badly and I think I don't even have the picture of it anymore. xDD
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Irysdal In reply to Amarena-Berry [2010-01-11 19:37:21 +0000 UTC]
Ok, thanks for this!
I think i'll check this one. Coloring may be easier than that i've now.
Except PhotoShop and Photofiltre, and didn't knew any other one.
Maybe i won't teach you anything saying that, but sometime, first design aren't the best. For example, i think i've change my first fanchar around, oh, 6 or 7 time! X3
So if you have changed her design only one time, that mean you understood that something was wrong with it, and you make it better, quickly. (and she don't need another one)
... If there is someone who could teach something to the other, that certainly you!
I'm just a damn kid!
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Okami-the-Rogue [2009-11-02 20:40:16 +0000 UTC]
this, is quite amazin... i applaud you greatly... i especially love the "heaping skulls" they add ALOT to the picture... FAVORITE!!!!
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Anira-chu In reply to Amarena-Berry [2009-11-02 10:26:05 +0000 UTC]
ich würde dir ja gern die stelle zeigen, aba von da schule aus kannsch das schlecht XD Ist zwar nich 1:1 aba es ähnelt sich finde ich^^
hmm kay wennde meins XD
und joa hast recht, an etwas kann es auch eher sein XXDD aba ey, ich komm einfach net drauf, mein Hirnloser kopf zerbröselt grad XD
und büddö 8D
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alias-shadow-7 [2009-10-29 00:19:13 +0000 UTC]
xD she looks kinda bored, but epic work with the skulls!
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SoulofDragon2007 [2009-10-29 00:08:09 +0000 UTC]
Skuuullzzzz XD
Lol wie viele Menschen mussten für das Bild sterben? XD
Hat sie ja fleißig über das Jahr gesammelt, um dann das Bild zu ermöglichen xD
Aber echt klasse bild! Ein richtig schön Horror mäßiges Halloween Bild^^
Heat*dran grad vorbeigeh* "O.o ehhhh...."
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SoulofDragon2007 In reply to Amarena-Berry [2009-10-31 11:43:20 +0000 UTC]
Heat:"Aslo ist das nur Requisite? Du wirst mich lso nicht töten?"
Kein Problem!^^
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Amarena-Berry In reply to SonicAdvance [2009-10-28 18:59:53 +0000 UTC]
Lol, danke. xD
Freut mich, dass die die Skulls so gut gefallen; da hat sich die Arbeit ja gelohnt. Es sind nämlich relativ viele unterschiedliche, die ich da machen musste.
Yay, das coloring macht auch spaß. Nur fürchte ich, dass ich wieder einmal zu dumm bin, um mir zu merken, wie ich das gemacht habe und das nächste Mal, was ich das versuche, endet das in einem Desaster... oder wieder etwas völlig anderem. xDD
Lol, jeder mag diesen Hut... aber er gehört MIR. >D
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Amarena-Berry In reply to SonicAdvance [2009-10-30 15:20:36 +0000 UTC]
Nee, gehört er immer noch. o3o
...Öhm, auf was ist das mit dem Lineart wegmachen bezogen...? Das hilft mir nämlich nicht wirklich weiter. Ich colore auch immer mit sichtbarem Lineart, von daher... xD
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Amarena-Berry In reply to SonicAdvance [2009-10-30 21:10:26 +0000 UTC]
Ich werde wohl irgendwann mal so richtig krass bunte Flatcolors ausprobieren, aber eigentlich hatte ich sowas nicht wirklich vor... hat bis jetzt auch immer so ganz gut geklappt. Trotzdem danke für die Anregung. xD
*sich Hut wiederholt und den an ihrem Kopf festklebt* >3
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TonyTH [2009-10-28 14:13:24 +0000 UTC]
Lovely as always. Lots of detail, and the stars in the BG look great too. Awesome job all around.
Uhh...where did she get all those though? XD
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Amarena-Berry In reply to TonyTH [2009-10-28 15:43:12 +0000 UTC]
Thankies~ :3
Well, if you knew what I'm refering to with that "cosplay", you'd know... or not, lol. At least that'd explain it.
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Gin-Karasu-Blade [2009-10-28 08:57:07 +0000 UTC]
Omgh owo. that´s a big pille of skulls, looks like she went on a killing spree owo;
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LeonSwiftstorm [2009-10-28 02:32:40 +0000 UTC]
Wow, I really like how you drew her, the idea is very original and the style you used to draw and colour is awesome too, nice job :3
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Sacrifice-Demian [2009-10-28 01:51:23 +0000 UTC]
nsg ghfcnksfjgkahjkrhjeg!11!11
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ;A; so awesome!
Harmonie is so nice here ='3 she is my fav from your chars *u*
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