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disorientedchaos ♀️ [5690988] [2007-10-04 18:52:28 +0000 UTC] "Fawn O'Brien" (Canada)

# Statistics

Favourites: 48; Deviations: 80; Watchers: 13

Watching: 19; Pageviews: 4178; Comments Made: 334; Friends: 19

# Interests

Favorite visual artist: Leonardo Da Vinci
Favorite movies: Detroit Rock AbstractCity, Hard Candy, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, A Beautiful Mind, etc.
Favorite bands / musical artists: My taste is defined piece by piece over the artists themselves.
Favorite games: Tetris, Mario Galaxy, God of War, etc.
Tools of the Trade: Brilliance. Imagination. Freedom.
Other Interests: Abstract Art, Descriptive Writing, Psychology, Criminology, Human Philosophy, Classical Music

# About me

Current Residence: Windsor, Ontario
Favourite genre of music: Post-Rock, Progesssive Metal, Classical
Favourite style of art: Sketching, Open Poetry, and Emotional and/or Still Life Photography
Favourite cartoon character: Garfield. <3
Personal Quote: "The Enterprise cuts through all time and space... and your pepperoni pizza."

# Comments

Comments: 86

SarahKaferin [2011-01-17 13:49:40 +0000 UTC]

I saw that you were active! wat is this business!?

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somethingwonderful [2010-01-05 08:59:57 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the favourite. It is much appreciated.

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disorientedchaos In reply to somethingwonderful [2010-01-05 13:30:04 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome. =]

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Reality-Dreaming [2010-01-03 23:56:43 +0000 UTC]

Your words are amazing. They have so much behind them. They give out what you think and feel while allowing me the freedom to think for myself and have my own feelings on the pieces.

I get jealous of others as I never get much attention for my writings or my art, however there are some people I'm happy to see get attention, you would be one of them .

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disorientedchaos In reply to Reality-Dreaming [2010-01-04 00:05:25 +0000 UTC]

Awww! Thank-you! That was really sweet of you. =] I must say I enjoy the way you write and I am happy I browsed the literature section when I did; otherwise, I would have missed your piece. I have been dabbling through your gallery ever since. XD

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Reality-Dreaming In reply to disorientedchaos [2010-01-04 00:14:45 +0000 UTC]

I've been using this site for years now, and that was the first time I ever looked on there lol.

I'm still extremely confused by this site, and quite possibly don't use it well enough.

I kind of browse something quickly, then get confused at what the hell any of it is all about, and end up doing nothing about anything. I struggle to get over five views of any of my writings, and I think many only have one view.

Which sucks, as I think my writings are worthwhile and worth being read. Too bad I have no idea how to get them read!!!

You are very welcome on the comment. You don't need to thank me though, you are the one who gave to me.

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disorientedchaos In reply to Reality-Dreaming [2010-01-04 00:20:44 +0000 UTC]

I found it difficult getting views too. I have some friends who use DeviantArt, so their feedback helped me catch the eye of a few others; but, for the longest while little came in the way of poets. Lately, what has been helping me is browsing the literature section for anything that catches my eye. Usually when I see a really well written piece, there are more where that came from. Through commenting and critiquing others, I've gained watches, views, and critiques on my own work. I guess DeviantArt is a strict "give and take" system until you obtain enough watchers. ^_^ There are many writers like us wanting to put ourselves out there, we just need to find them.

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Reality-Dreaming In reply to disorientedchaos [2010-01-04 00:35:30 +0000 UTC]

I joined this under another account many years back during a very different period of my life. With a completely different mental state and mindset. I didn't leave the house, so I sat around on the internet. I hated people so much that I rarely spoke to anyone on the net. So my time on here started from there, which was off on a bad foot essentially.

None of my friends are on this site. All the watchers I have on my list are people I don't exactly know, and many do not leave comments.

I'm not really one for leaving short comments, normally you get large, deep personal comments when I write them.

I couldn't give two shit about technique, style, any of that crap. I want passion, emotion, words that have immense meaning behind them, I want to read a person's soul more than "talent". I myself have no talent, I write from my soul. If you like my writings it's not because it sounds good or looks pretty, it's because it's my soul in it's entirety. A straight comment can be a lie, a metaphor never lies despite it being hidden.

I've used this site in the past more for a release than anything else. Now I want attention lol.

I'm harsh on other writers because of what I expect of their works. Which I find makes it hard as there's much I read that I end up not liking for various reasons. It's harder to find something I like than something I dislike based on my criteria.

I often give comments, only to receive nothing back beyond a generic comment in return.

I'm thinking way too much right now through boredom and this annoying loneliness that's revealed itself too me lately. Silly sense of belonging BAH lol.

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disorientedchaos In reply to Reality-Dreaming [2010-01-04 00:44:25 +0000 UTC]

I find you refreshing... and you're right, I like your writing because it hasn't been mystified by poetic sanctions. I suppose you could say it's very cut-throat and I love raw honesty.

I wouldn't say I'm harsh on other writers, but I do find it damn near impossible to find a piece I REALLY enjoy. However, when I am asked to read a person's piece for the purpose of critiquing... my opinion is saturated in negativity. I tell myself, "Well, everyone has a style, maybe you misunderstand this style". I do my best to be positive about another writer's work but little artistically stimulates me.

Art should be a release. Alas, that's why I write, to release abstract thoughts and feelings by depicting them in a concrete manner. I feel like they're a collection of my experiences set on a shelf... like trophies. Ha, that sounded rather pretentious, but you get what I mean. XD

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Reality-Dreaming In reply to disorientedchaos [2010-01-04 01:04:49 +0000 UTC]

Thank you .

I love your words, in your writings and how you naturally speak . You can tell you know what you're saying, and there's something behind them.

I'd never comment on a writing in a harsh way,as that's very far from the point. I can think something sucks, and have no need to tell anyone what I think. It's not helpful to anyone and is just a waste.

I'm constantly searching for something new with my writings and my art. I don't believe in the terms "better" or "worse". I believe in growth, in change, in something being left or right of myself than being better (higher) or worse (lower). If I think something sucks, it doesn't mean mine or anyone else's are any better, it just means I don't like it for whatever reason. There has to be a reason, it can't just be because it sucks!!!

I do get what you mean. My art is my soul.

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disorientedchaos In reply to Reality-Dreaming [2010-01-04 01:28:44 +0000 UTC]

Exactly. It's a matter of what you relate to and what you do not relate to. Sometimes a piece won't speak to me in a way that another piece will. I prefer the sort of pieces that influence the way I am feeling to the point I remember it and still feel it, days later. The artistic stimulation must be high or else I pass it by.

The only time I will critique in a harsh way is if I feel the person is not using their full potential. If their pieces are juvenile and lacking real creative flow, I become irritated by it. The only thing I hate more than a love sick fool, is a self-proclaimed writer who isn't even technically good. XD

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Reality-Dreaming In reply to disorientedchaos [2010-01-04 01:40:45 +0000 UTC]

I get frustrated by the same things. Sometimes it is enjoyable to be juvenile, as I have done in writings (Chickens For God, for example.) yet it stills has much in the background.

Writers who don't seem to understand words cause me headaches. A word is a symbol for a much larger meaning.

"Bird" is a word. Doesn't do much on it's own. Doesn't mean anything, doesn't even really exist. Yet, it's what is behind the word "bird" that makes it incredible. Bird: A flying creature that has life, instinct, and is impossible for a human to copy. A creature beyond our understanding that does many things a human cannot and has influenced rulers to go into battle (The Romans.) and the poor to aim high.

Know words, know what is behind them. No two words are the same, no matter how similar they may be.

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disorientedchaos In reply to Reality-Dreaming [2010-01-04 02:23:49 +0000 UTC]

I could not have picked a more historically and contemporarily influential word.

I believe what makes a good writer is a writer who understands the dynamics of the words they use, packing a punch behind every line driven by emotion and experience.

An ex friend of mine wrote atrociously. Her idea of a good poem is not only a reiteration of what she had been writing about for the past year, but one that had a repetitious rhyming scheme. I'm sorry... but if you cannot move past rhymes like "sat, bat, and cat", you need to find a new hobby. What irks me the most is the people who actually considered her as an artist. Maybe I'm wrong for saying so, but that sort of juvenile angst is hard to appreciate as anything more than a tantrum of two-dimensional emotions, haha.

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Reality-Dreaming In reply to disorientedchaos [2010-01-04 02:39:24 +0000 UTC]

I can't stand that. Art is so misunderstood.

I'm also a musician (And an artist, many things on top of being a writer.), and I can't listen to the radio for the same reasons. There's nothing there!!! No creativity, no thought, it's just there. An artist will create no matter what, it won't matter what it's about, no matter anything else. An artist is driven to create. You can have any reason, an artist will make up reasons if there are none obviously there!!!

There's so much I can't do or enjoy because it's been raped by talentless humans playing make believe or playing dress ups!!! I can't enjoy television, going to the movies, putting on the radio, going to art shows as what is created is just pathetic!!!

Australians (I'm an Aussie.) have this horrible habit of being happy to be an imitation of someone else. So much of the "best" creative minds in Australia are just copies!!! There's nothing artistic or creative in being a copy!!!

It's frustrating at how people think being creative is something you choose in the same way you choose a job to make money. To look for work, you pick up a paper or search the net to find something to help you earn money, and you can move between jobs until you find one that fits. Which is how the average person thinks, as that's how their life path occurs most times. Being an artist, it's just something you do as it's from within. Whatever you do, you will always HAVE TO create something, anything. No matter how small or silly. When I work, I have to make patterns in my work to be creative!!! Why? I just have to. I'd create even if no one else ever saw, even if no one else ever liked what I did, even if I didn't like what I did I'd still do it as I just have to!!!

You know what I'm on about .

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disorientedchaos In reply to Reality-Dreaming [2010-01-04 04:21:30 +0000 UTC]

Of course! Personally, I find myself writing about everything. I range from obscure topics like Christmas lights (which I turn into metaphors for deeper less concrete matters) to very specific issues and people. I can turn anything into art. I too do more than write but my preference is with writing at the moment.

Yes, I can relate, especially when it comes to concurrent film. Contemporary comedy, for example, has never been more low brow. I hardly crack a smile watching a lot of these films. I love film... everything about it is intriguing. I have a soft spot for acting. I wish to unleash my talents. Alas, I am far too shy. Regardless, when I watch a film, I care the most about the ability of the actors, the story, and creative capacity of the actual filming. I love when directors and producers film in unnatural manners. Most independent films are good for that, I love it.

I admit, my knowledge about Australian culture is hardly extensive so I will take your word for it. If what you say is true, that's beyond depressing. How can a person take pride in being... mediocre? I'm Canadian, myself.

I create in small ways, too. In every day speech, sometimes I douse my words in a thick sauce to let them drip with poetry. Naturally, this becomes exhausting, but I love it just the same. I tend to take a lot of photographs when I hang out with friends. I like to think of it as preserving memories. ^_^

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Reality-Dreaming In reply to disorientedchaos [2010-01-04 04:45:45 +0000 UTC]

I've only recently decided to get into film. I've noticed alot of the low brow films are designed just as a distraction for the masses. Just like the use of alcohol, it's used to distract them from actually doing anything or wanting to do anything as they can sit there and do nothing to have a memory of climbing a mountain, for example. Why would they need to then climb a mountain? They remember doing it without even getting off their arse!!!

Australian culture... I had to leave Australia and then come back to work out what Australian culture is myself. I don't have a very high opinion of it. Australian culture is the kind of culture that bad mouths anyone who succeeds, "Tall poppy syndrome" we call it. Each major city is split right down the middle into rich and poor areas, and both areas despise the other area. The average Australian is a racist bigot. You're a seen as a success just by having a job, no matter what the job is. We're too based on Protestant England to be able to do much.

That being said, we still have so much freedom. The government pays you even if you don't work, and someone like me can drift in and out of work and study until I find what I really want to do. So the options are there to be different, to live life differently. Which is awesome.

If Australians stopped worrying about people coming to Australia and "stealing our jobs" and actually went and became educated, realised they can choose any job they want to do in this nation, then life would be so much easier.

I've oddly always got on well with Canadians on the net, somehow our thinking matches for whatever reason. Maybe as we're both new cultures who are yet to be actually identified and both nations are nutting out their place in the world underneath America after shaking off what we could from our founding Nations (England for us and France for you.), mixing and learning about what we can do and what is best for us to do.

So maybe that's the reason why Australia is more of a copy than anything, as we're copying to find out what suits us. European nations have had many more centuries than use to work this out, work out how the land affects society etc.

I don't take photos, but I should. None of my friends take many photos either. And there's not enough photos of me, no one ever wants a photo of me lol.

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3wyl [2009-12-29 18:25:36 +0000 UTC]

One of your pieces is featured here: [link]

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disorientedchaos In reply to 3wyl [2009-12-29 18:36:36 +0000 UTC]

Thank-you for notifying me! ^_^

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SarahKaferin [2009-12-26 07:02:40 +0000 UTC]

You have been SO active lately! :3!!
*creeps about.

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disorientedchaos In reply to SarahKaferin [2009-12-26 07:53:29 +0000 UTC]

I have been! I've been into writing a lot more recently.

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HeretyczkaA [2009-12-20 19:22:30 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ! Merry Christmas

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disorientedchaos In reply to HeretyczkaA [2009-12-20 19:25:50 +0000 UTC]

Merry Christmas, to you too! ^_^

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staszek1985 [2009-12-20 10:03:53 +0000 UTC]

Featured [link]

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disorientedchaos In reply to staszek1985 [2009-12-20 16:20:41 +0000 UTC]

^_^! That's so awesome. I think that's the first time I've been featured. =] Thanks for showing me. <3

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staszek1985 In reply to disorientedchaos [2009-12-20 18:45:53 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome

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xoxolaxbabexoxo [2009-12-14 23:35:12 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fave!(:

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TADBEER [2009-12-11 12:10:21 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for adding one of my efforts to your fave gallery.

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disorientedchaos In reply to TADBEER [2009-12-11 12:29:23 +0000 UTC]

You're Welcome. =]

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Matsukaze [2009-12-11 11:22:05 +0000 UTC]

Hello !
Thank you so much for the fav :]
See you later


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disorientedchaos In reply to Matsukaze [2009-12-11 12:30:11 +0000 UTC]

^_^ You're welcome. <3

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Matsukaze In reply to disorientedchaos [2009-12-11 21:20:52 +0000 UTC]

Oh ! thanks !

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Bondage-Whore [2008-01-09 19:58:42 +0000 UTC]

hey fondels what's up??

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disorientedchaos In reply to Bondage-Whore [2008-01-10 00:34:40 +0000 UTC]

Hey ^_^

Not too much, just trying to finish all this last minute homework I couldn't be arsed to do before.

What about you? How's school? Life? Ryan?

Oh and did the fatman get you anything good for Christmas? ^_^

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Bondage-Whore In reply to disorientedchaos [2008-01-10 02:08:16 +0000 UTC]

Awww fun fun haha.
Not a lot back at school 1.5 more yrs to go then I'm officially done schooling mwahah.
School is alright, getting more interesting but i cant wait for summer haha.
Life is alright, my cat is in heat so I rarely get any sleep anymore oh well.... >_> kitty soufflé mwaha
Me n Ryan are doing really good, 28 more days and it's our 1 yr anniversary ^_^ I'm really glad, plus we plan on moving in together come fall for school so yayay.
And yes he fat man got me lot's o good things how bout you??

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disorientedchaos In reply to Bondage-Whore [2008-01-10 22:00:24 +0000 UTC]

Shit, 1.5 years isn't much. D: I can't wait to start University. And I'll probably never want to leave and start working. >.>'

I'll take your cat if you don't want 'em! ^_^ I need a kitty... mine has gone onto bigger and better things. Thus, he no longer loves me.

Annnnnnd Happy EARLY Anniversary. Good luck with the moving in together and what not.

The fat man did good this year. I got a new keyboard. I'm content.

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Cbellebaby [2008-01-07 02:02:33 +0000 UTC]

haha yeah i hered lol ive known about the mvie since like last year im so excited we should deffinatly go see it together when it comes out ok

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disorientedchaos In reply to Cbellebaby [2008-01-08 23:21:13 +0000 UTC]

Haha, we totally should XD

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Cbellebaby [2008-01-03 05:49:09 +0000 UTC]

hello my fawndlekins i love you so much

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disorientedchaos In reply to Cbellebaby [2008-01-03 21:08:04 +0000 UTC]

I love you tooo ^_^

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BloodStainedSilk [2007-12-24 07:20:59 +0000 UTC]

i'm watching you!!!!

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disorientedchaos In reply to BloodStainedSilk [2007-12-25 04:54:57 +0000 UTC]

omgz! D:

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Ganguro666 [2007-12-09 07:38:47 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the watch!

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Bondage-Whore [2007-11-25 03:57:59 +0000 UTC]


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disorientedchaos In reply to Bondage-Whore [2007-11-25 04:17:06 +0000 UTC]


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Bondage-Whore In reply to disorientedchaos [2007-11-28 03:39:55 +0000 UTC]


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disorientedchaos In reply to Bondage-Whore [2007-11-28 21:07:55 +0000 UTC]

*glomps back*

How're you doing, man?

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sameer-dattani [2007-11-17 12:18:15 +0000 UTC]

hey,u ve been quiet for a long time...how is it going?

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disorientedchaos In reply to sameer-dattani [2007-11-18 03:31:07 +0000 UTC]

It's going okay. Just finished a new poem, "Revolution" and I am attempting to finish the next chapter to a story that I'm writting as well as a new poem. I can't seem to get inspired these days. Maybe I can write something about lack of inspiration. XD

How about you? What's up with you?

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sameer-dattani In reply to disorientedchaos [2007-11-18 06:54:28 +0000 UTC]

got my term exams coming up and had a great week and stuff so it all feels a little surreal but with the exams coming on life will settle into its place again..

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disorientedchaos In reply to sameer-dattani [2007-11-18 07:24:52 +0000 UTC]

Oh I don't get my exams until after Christmas, towards the end of January. :/

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