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| dakuran1
# Statistics
Favourites: 69; Deviations: 58; Watchers: 30
Watching: 34; Pageviews: 7577; Comments Made: 411; Friends: 34
# Interests
Favorite movies: FFVII Advent Children, Jane Eyre, Howl's Moving CastleFavorite bands / musical artists: Plastic Tree, Kagrra, Switchfoot
Favorite games: Kingdom Hearts I/II, Persona3, DDR Extreme/2
Favorite gaming platform: PS2
Tools of the Trade: pencil, wacom 4x6 tablet, Adobe Photoshop 7.0
Other Interests: haha, you'll figure it out
# Comments
Comments: 99
waynekaa [2009-03-16 04:26:49 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the favorite on Excalibur Goes to California !
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jimandpam [2008-12-24 19:53:08 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for favoriting my thingy, and merry Christmas!
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dakuran1 In reply to jimandpam [2008-12-25 08:02:30 +0000 UTC]
Merry Christmas! I'll see you in a few days!
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dakuran1 In reply to Tsuyoki [2008-12-16 20:29:40 +0000 UTC]
; you're too nice. I've really been a slacker lately ;;;;
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Tsuyoki In reply to dakuran1 [2008-12-16 20:33:13 +0000 UTC]
waah?!!? seriously?!?! Even though you slack off your art is still awesome!!!
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OnigiriHatesYou [2008-09-05 05:15:43 +0000 UTC]
Gracias por favorite.
Hope you know Basic Spanish >wxD
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dakuran1 In reply to OnigiriHatesYou [2008-09-05 23:13:42 +0000 UTC]
si si, gracias mi amiga (^_^)
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OnigiriHatesYou In reply to dakuran1 [2008-09-05 23:29:04 +0000 UTC]
I have horrible Spanish.
I like to say a few words or it, every now and then.
Nihon-go is what I'm good at.
Japanese ^-^
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dakuran1 In reply to OnigiriHatesYou [2008-09-05 23:30:19 +0000 UTC]
Watashi mo. Nihongo ga daisuki desu. Daigaku de nihongo wo narau tsumori desu.
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OnigiriHatesYou In reply to dakuran1 [2008-09-05 23:35:26 +0000 UTC]
Yay I can read that.
That's pretty cool, I would want to go there to study too.
I think I either want to do something with cosmetology or maybe teach english there.
Cause you don't have to know Japanese, to teach English.
Even though I already know a pretty good amount.
I plan on learning the whole Language.
I wanna say something but I bet I'll f*ck it up.
Yariman >w<
I just have a problem with learning the cuss words first.
Or learning how to make fun or someone.
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dakuran1 In reply to OnigiriHatesYou [2008-09-06 04:27:31 +0000 UTC]
anime kind of does that to you. lol
I'm thinking of going and teaching English too. I can already speak that^^ I want to learn a lot more Japanese too. Can you type it? ăČăăăȘăŻăă°ăăăăïŒăăăăăăă
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OnigiriHatesYou In reply to dakuran1 [2008-09-06 04:48:08 +0000 UTC]
I can't type it. But I know a site that sometimes I copy and paste the Japanese from.
It's lame, but I have fun doing it.
And, I use to know a lot more (reading wise) then I stopped for a few months.
And forgot a bunch.
So I'm having to re-teach myself.
So I can only read a few of the things you typed. >W<
You can already speak Japanese fully?
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dakuran1 In reply to OnigiriHatesYou [2008-09-06 19:59:14 +0000 UTC]
No no^^ haha I've been studying it but I'm definitely definitely not fluent. Hopefully that will change while I go through college^_^ I like typing it because it's fun and because I can but I've got a long way to go. But being on deviantart doesn't let you really forget because so many other people seem to be learning it too.
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OnigiriHatesYou In reply to dakuran1 [2008-09-07 01:12:47 +0000 UTC]
Ahhh, so you're a bit better then I am, then.
Yea, it was a point when I started playing Halo more, and teaching myself Japanese less.
Ahh Halo. . . my addiction. xD
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dakuran1 In reply to OnigiriHatesYou [2008-09-07 05:36:34 +0000 UTC]
lol Halo. I didn't get into it but my brothers sure did. Maple Story, too. I got addicted to Gaiaonline for a little while, and I had a pretty bad Neopets addiction in elementary school hahahaha
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OnigiriHatesYou In reply to dakuran1 [2008-09-07 05:38:07 +0000 UTC]
Lmao Neopets.
My Brother and Sister used to get those.
But I was like 6 or 7.
When they had those.
Halo is awesome.
I've spent like 2 years playing it.
Ahh too long.
I'll probably cut back when I turn 16, cause gots to get a job and such.
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dakuran1 In reply to OnigiriHatesYou [2008-09-07 06:47:29 +0000 UTC]
I'm going to be in college this fall so maybe I should get a job too XD because college makes people broke...
I'm 18 btw. ph34r m3. lol do you play ps2? The only rpg I think I've ever beat is Kingdom Hearts. lol I watch my little brother beat most of my games;
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OnigiriHatesYou In reply to dakuran1 [2008-09-07 06:49:55 +0000 UTC]
I'm 15, 16 in . . . .5 months.
Ph33r m3 and ma1 1337 skill5.
Yea, I play ps2.
I've played both Kindom hearts.
And I love them. >WI've beaten the first one. . I think.
My Brother owns Halo 1 for PC.
So I play that.
But I've never beaten it.
They have a single player, then you can play multi through the internet with other people.
I've beaten Halo 3 though.
On co-op, in 6 hours, straight.
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dakuran1 In reply to OnigiriHatesYou [2008-09-07 06:57:37 +0000 UTC]
6hrs??? lol
I can't top that.
I *almost* beat Dirge of Cerberus, and *almost* beat FFX...hahaha. I think the last time I beat a game before that was like Pokemon for gameboy advance or something^^
My favorite character from KH has got to be Axel. Riku's pretty cool too. When my cell phone turns on, the welcome message says "Saix--got it memorized?" lol just because it's random. KH fans get it.
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OnigiriHatesYou In reply to dakuran1 [2008-09-07 17:58:03 +0000 UTC]
When I turn on my phone it says "Boku wa Rame"
Vidoll. >w
Yupp 6 hours.
I played through out the whole time, then my Brother trading off with his friend.
I don't think I've ever beaten Pokemon, I loved it.
But I could never beat it. XD
I love Axel!
And Riku, but only when he's older.
Dymex, I love him ("dance water dance" guy xD)
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dakuran1 In reply to OnigiriHatesYou [2008-09-08 01:30:28 +0000 UTC]
Dymex!! He was supposed to be the easiest one but for some reason I kept losing to his water guitars. LOL I'm serious, I lost to him way more than I lost to the final boss guy. hahaha my brother still makes fun of me for that. I like older Riku better too, but younger Riku is fun to quote.
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OnigiriHatesYou In reply to dakuran1 [2008-09-08 02:13:30 +0000 UTC]
Yea, he was harder.
Riku older = pwns.
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musicyoh [2008-07-10 05:48:23 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the ! Your artwork is amazing, as usual!
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Akatsuki127 [2007-06-07 06:52:36 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the watch!~
cute gallery by the way~ ^-^
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UltraLiThematic [2007-06-04 00:38:40 +0000 UTC]
Hello there!
Nice gallery,
I'm going to devwatch you
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dakuran1 In reply to UltraLiThematic [2007-06-04 01:06:04 +0000 UTC]
Why, thank you! *watches back*
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battlebuddha [2007-06-04 00:29:25 +0000 UTC]
thank you for adding me back! i really like your artwork
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CodenameParanormal [2007-05-30 23:16:48 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for watching back and the fav ^^
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