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| Serafine666

Serafine666 [2534828] [2006-04-21 04:53:18 +0000 UTC] "Jessy McKalen" (United States)

# Statistics

Favourites: 2; Deviations: 0; Watchers: 1

Watching: 3; Pageviews: 1248; Comments Made: 105; Friends: 3

# Interests

Favorite writers: Jim Butcher
Favorite games: Hearts of Iron 2
Favorite gaming platform: PC
Tools of the Trade: MN 91/30
Other Interests: Books, computers, imagination.

# About me

I am a well-grounded and often cold realist yet spend most of my time imagining alternative places and realities in which "real" is what I define it to be. I am one person when sitting at the keyboard and another person when you talk to me through the computer it's connected to. Oh, and I collect fascinating little things from all over the 'net.

Current Residence: Oregon
Favourite genre of music: Varied.
Favourite style of art: NOT Modern
Operating System: Windows XP Professional
MP3 player of choice: SanDisk
Favourite cartoon character: Ace Cooper
Personal Quote: "Freedom is not an external truth. It exists within men and those who wish to be free are free.

# Comments

Comments: 5

Mintyshi [2016-07-25 12:14:27 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the watch and for commissioning me!

šŸ‘: 0 ā©: 0

neverpullthelever [2015-01-18 20:33:32 +0000 UTC]

Hey, do you like to read stories and poetry? I write it. Take a look through my stuff? >>

POETRY: neverpullthelever.deviantart.cā€¦

SHORT STORIES: neverpullthelever.deviantart.cā€¦

šŸ‘: 0 ā©: 0

Vader-San [2009-03-20 11:43:19 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for all the faves and sweet comments. I appreciate that a lot ;3

šŸ‘: 0 ā©: 1

Serafine666 In reply to Vader-San [2009-03-23 07:58:55 +0000 UTC]

Yer welcome, m'dear. Some of your character ideas remind me of my own and I like being reminded of my own.

šŸ‘: 0 ā©: 0

DarkestKnight1 [2006-04-21 05:05:51 +0000 UTC]

Welcome to deviantArt enjoy your stay

look at my Page [link]
or watch me [link]

šŸ‘: 0 ā©: 0