Ziti-Man-Mario — 3D Render: UMVC3 Zero Render Reimagined

#capcom #megaman #megamanrockman #megamanx #megamanzero #rockmanzero #zeromegaman #megamanxzero #umvc3 #zero #ultimatemarvelvscapcom3 #blendercycles
Published: 2022-10-11 21:34:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 5107; Favourites: 49; Downloads: 2
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Description Here's my take on Zero's artwork from Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3, except in the form of a render and with a slightly different pose! I tried to keep the same idea but still make it different enough to where it was distinct, similar to my take on Dr. Doom's Marvel Super Heroes artwork.

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