“Oh, Annie. I can’t possibly imagine how good this feels..” said Marie while flexing her arm and feeling her define abs. “It’s like a dream that doesn’t end".
Annie watched, still perplexed, at the scene happening right in front of her. Until a few days ago, Marie was just a petite, nerdy girl with skin problems that she pushed around like a servant. Now she was turning into a living goddess right in front of her eyes.
“Try to think of the day or moment you felt most alive, healthy and happy in your entire life. Now multiply that feeling for hundreds of times and it probably isn't even close to what I felt when I first took the serum”. She continued, now looking at Annie. “I feel a little bit sorry for you Annie. Knowing how much you wanted this, it must be devastating to know how close you were. You have absolutely no idea of how wonderful this feels like. It just keeps getting better and better!”
It was like every single word coming out of her mouth was like twisting a knife stabbed in her heart. Why, of all people it had to be her? The girl who hated and despised alpha-women, denouncing them at every turn, got to become one? The thought, Meanwhile, Annie, who desired and dreamed for this so much, was now left
A few days ago, Annie had been one of the extremely rare lucky women to be carrying the super-virus, thought to be of alien origin, that caused the extremely powerful, beautiful and nigh-invincible alpha-women to emerge all over the world. To be one of them was like to be a living goddess. They were so powerful that the government simply gave up controlling them and gave them absolute immunity for prosecution. If you came across one of them, you preyed to be ignored, for they could do anything to you with absolute impunity. How long had Annie dreamed of joining their ranks.
To become an alpha-woman, you needed to be carrying the super-virus and take, before the incubation period ended, a special serum that triggered the transformation. She prayed, every day, to all gods and deities she could think of. She had bought hundreds of lucky charms to attract as much luck as possible. Hell, she was acting like one of them, treating her friends and schoolmates like Marie exactly like an alpha-girl treated everyone who was not one of them. The test results were like a dream coming true.
When she arrived at the lab to take the serum, they were reluctant to give it to her. They were afraid that she was already way past her incubation period. If a positive-tested woman took the serum after the incubation period, instead of turning into an alpha-girl, the excess of calories in the serum would cause her to grow a lot of fat. However, Annie had already come way too far to give up….
Her horrifying scream upon seeing her reflection on the mirror almost shattered the glass in the labs. She had, indeed, gone way past the incubation period and, as result, became obese. No matter how much she tried to exercise and starve herself, the fat simply refused to burn.
She had almost come to terms with her fate... and then she heard the news: Marie tested positive and took the serum! She needed to see for herself, desperately hoping she had shared the same fate. Destiny, however, had other plans for Marie….
Marie still couldn’t believe what happened to her. Just a few days ago, she was still a mere short, bad-sighted girl destined to be pushed around by Annie, who had been tested positive for the super-virus. In her heart she always knew this was destined to happen. Annie, her only and, as result, best friend, always wanted to join their ranks. So much that Annie treated her exactly as it was expected of a alpha-girl. She was pushed around, forced to treat her friend like a queen. Marie knew that Annie was destined to become a alpha-girl, it was the only reason why she accepted the things she did to her.
In fact, when Annie got tested positive for the super-virus, Marie felt she was already prepared. However, days latter, Annie came to her crying and devastated. The test result came too late and, by the time she took the serum, the virus’s incubation period had passed. Annie missed her only shot to ever become an alpha-girl. Worse, as a side-effect of the serum shot, she gained too many pounds. The scientist had explained that it takes a lot of energy to trigger the transformation, so, because it didn’t activate, all that energy got transformed into fat.
She felt bad for her only friend, but Annie’s anger only drove her to be even more harmful to Marie than ever before. She had come in terms that, alpha or not, this was always going to be the nature of their friendship.
Then, it came the news, turns out that Marie tested positive! They didn’t know if Annie had passed to her or if she had passed to Annie in first place, but now she had a choice: she could either skip the serum and miss the lottery draw of her lifetime or take the serum. If she took it, she could either end up like Annie or...unlikely... she could end-up as a alpha-girl.
They told her that, the longer she took to device, the higher were the chances she would miss the incubation period, so she needed to make her choice. So, in a moment of pure impulse and panic, she accepted. Later, upon a more detailed exam, it turns out that she was on the very last day and barely missed the incubation window by minutes. But, still, she was positive and the serum took effect.
Just a few minutes after she took the shot, Marie already felt better than she had ever been in her entire life, and that was just the beginning. On the following day her glasses would become too blurred, requiring her to throw them away, her braces were torn out of her teeth and her skin was free from acne. She had also gained a few inches.
Soon, the cat was out of the bag and news spread, soon Annie came to confirm things for herself: Marie was tested positive and she took the serum, now she was becoming an alpha-girl. Despite Annie’s best attempt to hide her feelings, Marie could clearly see that, on the inside, she was devastated. Yet, she did her best attempt at masking her emotions and congratulated her.
Despite knowing it wasn’t genuine, it still felt liberating for Marie. Not having to hide her transformation and feeling, she fully embraced them. Now, days later, she was like an Olympian goddess, twice the size of a normal human and, according to the doctors, far from done from her growth.
As she bragged about the transformation, there was something about the look on Annie’s eyes that thrilled Marie every time she spoke about her changes. She could see her becoming green with envy, driving her nails into the skin of her palms and trembling every time she spoke about the constantly pleasant and wonderful feeling she was experiencing.
“Thanks Annie. A hundred thousand million times thanks! If it wasn’t for you contracting the virus, I would never experience this. Too bad it didn’t work out for you, because this is an absolute blast! Haha” she said while laughing. “But don’t worry Annie. Thanks to you I feel like I already know how to act like a proper Alpha-girl. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’ll be taught your proper place”.
For Marie, this was still only the very beginning of an incredible and wonderful living dream. For Annie, this was only the beginning of a living nightmare of her own creation.
There it goes. When commissioning this render, I couldn’t help but think of Corruption, the awesome story by HikerAngel and luchodemeyer that inspired the context for this render. I invite everyone to check-it out and I hope you guys enjoy it!
I would like to thank giantesslover45 for this wonderful render. I'm really happy by how this turned out!