Today is something a little bit different, as it's a fanart of one of my favorite game franchise. (^^), and more precisely of my two favorite pokemons
This is actually a very old drawing idea I had years ago when I was looking at my Abra pokemon card I got from a friend's birthday. (a lot of years ago o_o)
I wanted to draw my two favorite pokemon together but never dare to try drawing pokemon up until now (^^). As I wanted to post a lineart drawing, I thought this was a good oportunity to try
The result changed a bit from the initial idea, that was just Eevee and Abra sleeping next to each other under a tree, but I'm stille happy with it
One of the Eevee was also supposed to look at a Caterpie, but I discovered that Caterpie is actually as big as an Eevee, so I switched Caterpie for a Flabébé. (^w^)
This illustration was (loosely) inspired by this card…
And I used the french pokepedia website for Eevee and flabébé references : ,…
As this is fanart, I must say here that I do not own anything (design/color) of the creatures you can see on this illustration.
Pokemon is GameFreak's creation, published by Nitendo & The Pokemon Company
As such, Eevee (Evoli), Flabébé and Abra belongs to GameFreaks.