PastaVerse Type: HappyPasta
Full Name: Uaine Arathorn Cirroco
Nickname: None
Age: 23
Age of Death: Not applicable
Cause of Death: Not applicable
Gender: Male
Place of Origin:
Birthday: May 1st
Height: 6 ft. 7 in.
Weight: 243 lbs.
Personality: Bubbly, Organized, Optimistic, and Persistent.
He can be a bit pretentious as well.
Likes: Flowers, Sweets, Polka-Dots
Dislikes: Decaying plants, When his bag is messed with
Occupation: Flower Shoppe Owner
Current Associates so far: None yet (Ask if interested)
Enemies: None yet (Ask if interested)
Proxy of Anyone: No
Place/Type of Residence:
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
History Lesson: Coming soon.
Extra Info:
Adopted from FireHacked
Rest of information coming soon uvu
For now enjoy.
Edit: Added much more information from InvaderIka 's Information Sheet which is found:
Creepypasta/Slenderverse Blank Information SheetName:
Real Name:
Age of Death: (Optional- if they had died before becoming a pasta/SV OC)
Ethical Origin: (Optional)
Place of Origin: (Optional)
Species: (What are they? (Ex: Ghost, human, daemon etc...))
Sexual Preference: (Optional)
Affiliation: (If they have one)
Occupation: (If they have one)
Date Of Birth:
Eye Color:
Skin Color:
Hair Color:
Fears: (What are they afraid of?)
Powers/Abilities: (What powers or abilities do they have?)
Weapons: (What do they use for combat? (If any) )
How S/he kills/wounds in Combat:
Weaknesses: (what weakens them or what are they weakest to?)
Strengths: (What are they immune to or really good at?)
Cause of Death: (Optional- if they had died before becoming a pasta/SV OC)
History: (His