Inspired from this to create a demon OC…
Character emon Girl : Divya(given name original unknown}
Agw 10yrs looks around 12-13 due to accelerated growth cause by experimentation done by the human empire
Horn :Short only one due to sudden unnatural growth.
Skin colour Pink(when I clean up and colour )
Outfit: Snakeskin
Hairstyle Mohawk(with a twist , takes form when the powers are activated)
Accessories: nothing specific just the chain locks on her neck and ankle
Powers : Boiling blood rage that increases the physical strength and speed by 10folds only speciific to her demon kind ,awakens in the teenage years.
But can only be used in extreme scenrios like life thretening situations, puts a strain on the body post powerdown
(COLORS are not final , will have to do more experimenting if we plan to use the character in something XD)