Title: Snailbun Adopts Batch 2/2 [OPEN 3/4]
There is the second batch of my GA Snailbun adopts!
To claim please reply to the associated comment.
After payment you’ll receive a separate file of the Snailbun you bought.
If you upload them on TH please credit me (also winkelchen over there)
Tag me, the first time you draw your new Snailbun, please?
Batch one here:
1. Happy harvest - $15
Texture - smooth - c
Antennae- lop - r
Shell - standard (rock texture).- c
Tail - bumpy - u
Add on - plants - r
Add on - horns (wood) - r
Caterpillar friend 🐛
2. Autumn socks - $15 [SOLD] Syrinq
Texture - fuzzy - u
Antennae - curly - u
Shell - capsule (glass filled with dry leafs) - r
Tail - standard - c
3. Heavenly chirp - $15
Texture - feathery - r
Antennae - object (feathers with halo) - r
Shell - standard - c
Tail - feathers - r
round birb friend 🐥
4. Boba n jellies -$15
Texture - translucent with objects (popping bobas and fruit jelly) - r
Antennae - bunny - u
Shell - capsule (hard plastic filled with fruit tea, bobas and fruit jelly) - r
Tail - fluffy - r
“Did you bring your bonus card?” :3
Snailbuns is a semi open species by squishirou