★ [Warrior] of [ShadowClan] ★
» [ last updated : 12/12/19 updated age, history, and relationships
- 3/12/19 First reference
» [ name ] : Ebonyspeckle
prefix reasoning : Ebony - for her ears and markings the color of ebony
suffix reasoning : speckle - for her speckled markings
nicknames : Ebbs (from her father Sunhowl)
previous names : Ebonykit, Ebonypaw
» [ gender and age ] :
biological sex : Female
gender : She-cat
birthdate : 12/11/16 (December 11th, 2016)
age in moons : 46 moons
» [ physical information ] :
build : lithe, compact, durable, lean, curvaceous
simple appearance description : mostly cream but with some rosettes and black splashes scattered throughout her long-furred pelt, yellow- orange eyes
accessories : a floral crown woven with vines, interlaced with a cluster of guinea-fowl feathers and an orchid
» [ sexuality and romance ] :
sexuality : pan
currently interested in : Flamestep
mate : none
likes : not based on physicality but more so what's on the inside
dislikes : cruel, overly full of themselves
» [ training and abilities ] :
mentor(s) : Falconflight (NPC)
apprentice(s) : none
abilities :
strength » ★★☆☆☆
agility » ★★★☆☆
speed » ★★★☆☆
swimming » ★☆☆☆☆
stealth » ★★★☆☆
climbing » ★★☆☆☆
hunting » ★★☆☆☆
herbal medicine » ★☆☆☆☆
» Personality Traits
[ Charismatic (+) | Competitive (+) | Patient (+) | Thoughtful (/) | Boisterous (/) | Sly (/) | Calculating (-) | Ambitious (-) | Closed minded (-) ] :
[ Charismatic ] - Ebonyspeckle always has a charming tone in her voice, every sentence she speaks is fluid and convincing. She can easily make a friend or acquaintance by having a small or even rushed chat.
[ Competitive ] - Loves to challenge others, loves to make sure she can win in all things, and that means discussions as well. She can sway just about anyone. She likes a good skirmish, especially when challenged. Quite a little competitive streak she has. Especially with her sister Amberpelt. Ever since the pair were little, they'd butt heads.
[ Patient ] - When dealing with crisis, Ebony prefers to listen to their story first and patiently wait out or think out an alternative.
[ Thoughtful ] - See above. This can sometimes be a burden to herself, as she prefers to think a long time about a solution before ever coming up with one.
[ Boisterous ] - She can be rather playful and spontaneous when it comes to others around her. Though mostly she keeps to her own devices.
[ Sly ] - Ebbs prefers to take the sneaky way and charm her way into things she wants/needs. This works pretty well for her so she goes along with it.
[ Calculating ] - Ebony wont just let anycat step all over her. She may be nice and sweet, but that doesnt mean she wont harbor a grudge.
[ Ambitious ] - All her life she's wanted to reach for the stars. Now it seems she finally has. Does that stop her from reaching higher? Oh no. Of course, she's only ambitious when it comes to Amberpelt. And quietly so.
[ Closed-minded ] - She is a sucker for sticking with her habits and her ideals. Good luck trying to teach this old cat new tricks. Even though she's not even a little bit old...
» History
[ kithood ] :
[ Ebonykit was the product of a fling between Sunhowl and Chesnutpelt of ShadowClan. She, along with her sisters; Amberkit, Eclipesekit, Twilightkit, Nightkit, (and a moon later, an adopted sister by the name of Lynxkit) spent those early moons tussling each other and having a grand old time together. 'Sun's girls' as they were called, were quite oblivious to the harsh, cruel world around them, as they were quite protected by those raising them. Even though Chesnutpelt and Sunhowl didnt become official mates and broke it off as soon as they could with Chesnutpelt finding another mate and having kits in later seasons, Ebonykit loved spending time with both parents as much as possible; especially her father. Ebonykit was more of a 'middle child' and didn't get noticed much. But she didnt mind, because it meant she could compete with Amberkit at her leisure and still snuggle with Twilightkit or 'Twily' when she grew tired. She even took Lynxkit under her 'wing' as it were, when the new kit bumbled along, even though she wasnt blood. Ebony loved and accepted easily at first. Those were her favorite times, so simple and straightforward. Ah, but it was never to last... ]
[ apprenticeship ] :
[ Would you believe Ebonykit requested Sunhowl be her mentor? Of course she didnt get him and received one of the fastest cats in ShadowClan to be her mentor instead: Falconflight. A cat she was not unhappy with in the slightest bit at all. This tom also happened to be quite handsome in appearance. She was pleased with Falconflight as a mentor and not just a good-looking cat who seemed unaware of his good looks. He trained her to be silent, stealthy, and as quick and agile as just about he himself. They had similar body types, after all. It was only fitting their leader paired them together. She also had something to prove; she wanted to stand out and make herself worthy of such attention. She loved being Sun's girl but she wanted to be ShadowClan's girl too. So she worked hard to achieve this. This was why she was set out to compete with Amberpaw, her most notorious sister. When it came to their assessment, rushed as it was in order to combat the coming onslaught of rogues, Ebonypaw was pitted against Amberpaw. Ebonypaw was tired of the way Amberpaw disrespected their father, and now was her time to speak out. Via claws and fangs in a battle assessment. However, Ebony was quick and spiteful towards her sister but she was unfocused and let her rage control her. This was what led to her downfall. Ever since this loss, Ebony has vowed to beat her sister next time; in order to protect her father whom she loved more than her own self (even though it was clear he loved Nightpaw the most). ]
[ warriorhood ] :
[ Ebonypaw graduated alongside her sisters and together they became Ebonyspeckle, Eclipseheart, Nightshine, Amberpelt, Twilightbrook and even Lynxpaw was now known as Lynxshade. The days following the happiest day of Ebonyspeckle's life became filled with her worst days imaginable. Tragedy struck as the rogues threats finally came to pass. War was upon them. Sunhowl succumed to a seizure and had to stay back but Ebonyspeckle followed Nightshine and Twilightbrook into battle, vowing to watch over them for him. However, as fast as Ebonyspeckle was, she was not fast enough to save both her sisters when the moment of darkness struck. She helped Twilightbrook escape from the deadly throes of battle as a cat loomed over her with the killing blow prepared, but watched helplessly as Nightshine was cut through. She heard screaming and she didnt know if it was coming from herself or from Twilightbrook. Those screams stayed with her as she, along with her living sister, took the body home. Upon seeing his favorite daughter's lifeless body, to say Sunhowl was distraught...was putting it mildly. As was Eclipseheart, understandably so. The femme had followed in her sister's pawsteps since day one. Ebonyspeckle felt the most miserable, taking it onto herself as she was unable to save both sisters.
Her father heard the whole story because Ebonyspeckle respected him too much to lie to his face and he immediately reacted by yelling in her face. She had betrayed him. She had killed his favorite daughter. It was all her fault. And thus, Ebonyspeckle spent the remainder of her evening in her nest in the warrior's den. Her father came in some time later however, to apologize. He knew it wasnt her fault. He didn't blame her. He loved her.
Fire gripped the lands and they were forced to take shelter somewhere else and then the land never got its chance to recover for that Leafbare was the bitterest one of all. Many cats starved and died, fading away into the snow and ash.
But when snow melts, what does it become?
It becomes Spring, of course. Life moved on.
Ebonyspeckle knew not what to do with herself until a cat called Flamestep appeared into her life one of these dark evenings. Her father had retired into the elder's den, unable to risk too much exercise that a warrior's everyday life entailed. She didn't like to depend on her sisters, not after talking all that hot talk about being able to fend for herself. And she could do it. It was just easier with Flamestep to talk to. But then the usually bright-hearted flaming tom took a dark turn. Bad luck and injury befell him and there was naught Ebonyspeckle could do about helping him when he wasnt even keen on helping himself. She tried. She tried her little heart out. But how could one give when one has nothing of her own to divvy up? She watched the tom fall further in love with a cat he should not but she said nothing. Said nothing even though her heart twisted with anguish that it wasnt she that he loved. The cat made Flamestep happy...and she wanted that for him. When she could not give it, of course she wished another could for him. When Flamestep took on kits in his darkest hour, she had only support for the tom even if she was breaking little by little wishing they were hers too. He needed those kits more than she. Ebonyspeckle tried not to be selfish. But exactly how long could this go on before she shattered? ]
» Relationships
- - -
[cat name - cat clan - link to cat - @/owner ]
"Huh.. what do I have to say about this cat!"
- - -
[Flamestep - ShadowClan - - Razztazz1 ]
"...I wonder how long I can keep this up but I want to forever...for you. You helped me without me even having to ask. It's the least I can do to repay the favor."
[Sunhowl - ShadowClan - - HayleyRPG ]
"Oh Daddy, I wished you would get better but at least now you can rest comfortably now that you've retired. I've wished a lot of things from you, you know. It's too bad we don't always get what we want."
[Amberpelt - ShadowClan - - Winds-of-Katyusha ]
"You and I do not get along. We're like fire and water, opposites. Good for a competition though, I'll give you that."
[Eclipseheart - ShadowClan - - TheFearlessHamster ]
"I want to get to know you better, but it seems like you tend to shy away from me. Either that, or I'm simply too much for you."
[Twilightbrook - ShadowClan - - riuxio ]
"Love you dearly, little sis. I'll always watch out for you."
Sister/Best friend
Art (c) grim1ore for body and Razztazz1 for accessory
Proof of purchase for accessory:…