- Design | Tracker | Playlist -
↬ [ G E N E R A L ]
ID Number || K8397
Name || Haza
Name Meaning ||
Nicknames || Haze
Gender || Stallion
Age || 20 Year's Old
↬ [ G E N E T I C S ]
Phenotype || silver smoky black YALIA* ZINKER
Genotype || Ee aa nCr nZ nYla* nZi mednSpk
Rare Points || 30
Class || Uncommon I
Build || Medium
↬ [ P E R S O N A L I T Y & H I S T O R Y ]
Theme Song ||
Voice Claim ||
Sexual Orientation ||
Mate ||
Other Relationships ||
A bit of a loner, Haza likes to keep to himself.
↬ [ B L O O D L I N E ]
Generation || 4th
------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: 279 Oblivion
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: 2078 NGS Plare
------------------------------------------ SDS: ID:820 Heaven's Golden Gate
----------------- SD: 1365 HSS Seaside Essence
------------------------------------------ SDD: ID:333 California Rainfall
------------------------------------------ DSS: 5424 NGS Chmil
----------------- DS: K5154 NGS Declan
------------------------------------------ DSD: 5561 NGS Pholhea
Dam: N6699 Thalia
------------------------------------------ DDS: 5581 FDD Between Raindrops
----------------- DD: K6518 NGS Immortal Star
------------------------------------------ DDD: 5578 HTS Kalie
Please read and adhere to my breeding rules before requesting a breeding to one of my horses!
1. USED - ShadowWings-Forever
2. USED - KimboKah
3. USED - KimboKah
4. USED - KimboKah
5. USED - KimboKah
6. USED - KimboKah
7. USED - KimboKah
8. USED - KimboKah
9. USED - KimboKah
- Price: 10 PP / 50 Points / Slot Trade
- Mare:
- Foal:
- Price: 10 PP / 50 Points / Slot Trade
- Mare:
- Foal:
- Price: 10 PP / 50 Points / Slot Trade
- Mare:
- Foal: