A special button I created for myself out of my love for my favourite pokemon, Aron Decided of sharing this with the deviantart community and those who love Aron just as much as I do
There are 2 versions of it:
Version 1 - If you wish to support me by showcasing me.
<a href="">
Version 2 - If you just like it clean and simple.
<a href="">
It is completely fine for which ever version you choose to use.
I'm sure there will be people interested in asking me to make them a customised button as well. For that I will be open for commissions. Since this is my first time, I will be doing it free for the first 5 people who send me a note of their favourite pokemon.
To be eligible you must first 1) add me to your watchlist, 2) this post & 3) give me a llama ( I love them, don't ask )
NOTE: Only pokemon characters. No trainers and no mega.
< ChinarPusalkar > "Blaziken"
< no one yet >
< no one yet >
< no one yet >
< no one yet >
Please be patient with me in replying to you. If I do not reply to you. Most probably you are not one of the first 5.. sorry..
At the moment I have not decided on the per commission.