verreaux — The Sandman II

Published: 2011-05-24 23:42:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 1255; Favourites: 40; Downloads: 0
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Description Bueno una nueva version de un viejo dibujo, El sandman es un personaje folclorico, que trae dulces sueños a los niños esparciendo arena sobre sus ojos, de nuevo con la idea de darle toques de polilla un animal que me gusta relacionar con el por su vida nocturna y sus alas que dejan polvo.

Well a new version of an old draw, The sandman is a character of the folklore, than brings good dreams to the children sparkling sand or dust into their eyes, i like to give him moth characteristic, for being night insect and his dusty wings
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Comments: 1

butterfly-eater13 [2011-05-25 00:09:47 +0000 UTC]

that looks so cool

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