"In the 2nd age of man, all of humanity rose up to battle against Irwin's Army of Dark-Smidgleykin. The battle was fierce, and the death toll on both sides was immense. But at last, the earth was finally free of the dreaded menaces. The Dark-Smidgleykins were defeated, Smidgley had vanished into the void, and Irwin disappeared into space to plot his revenge. Smaklemore, looking down on the earth, covered in the dead and dying, was pleased, and his eternal frustration was tempered for the moment. And as a reward to humanity, Smaklemore bestowed unto them a gift. It was on that day Curvy Redheads came to be, and there was much rejoicing"
The Knights of the second age were the fighting force of the Brotherhood of Smaklemore, who lead humanities charge against Irwin the Conqueror in the decades long war at the end of the second age of man. Brave and strong soldiers, who marched into battle to rid the earth of the cosmic demons called forth by the cycloptic conqueror, and the annoying. To this day, the order of knights still serve as guards and the armed forces of the Smaklemites.
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