vanishingpointe — Flight of the Javelin

Published: 2007-04-24 16:14:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 144; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 1
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Description I made this in 2003 out of three pieces of poster board dry-mounted on a 27" x 21.5" piece of foam core board.

I spray painted each piece individually after cutting the shapes with an exact-o-knife:

background piece = light blue paint to represent sky

bottom piece = b&w speckle paint (for texture) underneath green spray paint to represent grass/turf

black piece = a conceptual left-to-right representation of what a javelin does:
1. starts it's trajectory above ground
2. propulsion is aided by the vibration of the tail, especially at the apex/mid-flight
3. ends its journey in the ground

This is a photograph of the original, therefore making it hard to notice the glossy finish of the black paint used to help your eye slide across the composition and promote movement, but I think you get the idea
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