Valush-PL — Utah ... 2

Published: 2010-08-16 12:28:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 549; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 0
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FostersFan-Imp [2011-04-15 06:44:04 +0000 UTC]






This piece has a real nice pose and great effects on it. It looks very professional and it's a rather engaging piece. Your eye is drawn in a circle from her eyes to her hand down to her hair (or, breasts, depending on who you are xD -shot-) and back up to her eyes and hat and back down again.
I really like the effects you did on this; the old faded look, the discoloration on the hat and hair, and the faded look on the bottom. It's all very nice and adds to the atmosphere of the piece. She seems very modern and close, but the effects push her back and make her feel far away in time as well as spatially.
The only thing I see that I don't quite like is that she looks to perfect and photoshopped for this kind of picture. If you want it to look rusty and old, I wouldn't have her looking Magazine Cover-Ready before making it that way. Yes she's pretty, but having her look perfect makes her look a little out of place for this particular type of photo. It looks great it other places, but for this I might leave a few flaws.
Overall, though, this piece is beautiful. ^^ Keep up the good work.


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MoronicGlassKiller [2011-09-22 06:24:42 +0000 UTC]


i like ;3

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DC-Tiki [2010-10-03 03:39:25 +0000 UTC]

Cool gesture with a slight cheeky expression from the model makes for a very friendly little portrait. I like the pastel colours that have been overlaid into the image as well.

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