Tzusi — Svajone: Victory Among Leaves

#arpg #roleplay #rp #rpg #sva #svajone #skydas #arpggroup #svajonerp #svajonetundes #svajonearpg #svajonerpg #svajoneskydas
Published: 2023-03-20 05:50:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 906; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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On his way back home that late afternoon, Laurence runs into Fawn who is playing about in the autumn leaves. He can do nought but join her, and so, the two spend the rest of the afternoon playing amongst the leaves. And even better, once it starts getting late, Fawn invites the pup over for dinner. How can he refuse?


Laurence (c) Tzusi
Fawn (c) Scribbleloupe  

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