tyarathemountaindog1 — edwin morose

Published: 2012-01-28 23:35:23 +0000 UTC; Views: 375; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 1
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Description EDWIN MOROSE:
reference: file# BRKN-N-2
date of death: 10/26/73
comments: 1.blackness around eyes indicate
years mourning. 2.broken heart was a direct
result of a long and severe depression.
3.traces of tears and prefume found in fur.

type of death: suspicious,unusual, and unnatural.

this is the bio-backround of teddy scare EDWIN MOROSE
and there is many more to come so pleast stay tuned
and yes edwin was a victim and was sent to the morge to get checked and fixed up.

cya around
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Comments: 1

LuciferTheShort [2013-02-26 20:19:34 +0000 UTC]

Nice work.

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