Snakes in a Pumpkin!
-Camouflage pokemon
-Ability:"Halloween"*(HA Harvest)
-"They lie motionless in great numbers, only active once every full and black moon. Their head posses two fangs, which secret a powerful venom. Their mouth, however, is placed in their abdomen, and as such, they can eat prey much larger then their head. The two vines in the sides of their body can extend to great lengths."
-Decieving pokemon
-Ability:"Halloween"*(HA Harvest)
-"Pumpoxent have perfected the ability of decieving, and are ussualy the cause of many disappearences during full and black moons. Their large fangs are used not only to deliver venom, but to also keep the prey at bay. They use their tounge to lure unsuspecting prey, and when the chance comes, they bite the victim and swallow it whole."
*"Halloween":"The pokemon's secondary typing can be treated as Ghost."
Another pretty morbid creature to celebrate Halloween.
Hope you like it!
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