TourniquetMuffin — TaW #66A: Return of Flutterguy

Published: 2014-02-22 00:29:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 1135; Favourites: 13; Downloads: 9
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Description In the flesh! Well, likely soft and cushy pony coat. But yeah, Fluttershy may not have any physical changes as Flutterguy, but that doesn't mean I can't vector a visual representation of her anyway. Since she was covertly subbing for Big Mac in the Ponytones, so I thought what the heck, Flutterfying Big Mac could be fun! And here's the result. Fluttermac, the non-shipping version, since apparently Mac and Cheerilee still have a thing going together. See the bonus for normal, vanilla Big Mac, as opposed to this, the Filli Vanilli version. Heh.

I've decided to make these quick art type things each week for the new episodes, and submit them at least before the next one airs. I'll be referring to each of them as "Things a Week" or TaW. With season 4 in full swing, I'll be focusing on episodes as they air, week by week.

BONUS TaW #66B: Here!

TaW #65: Here!

TaW #67: Here!
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