Hello hello! sorry for my absence! Have a vaporeon for your troubles Alright actually this little guy's claimed, commissioned.
So what can I say? It was fun to have an opportunity to make another of the eeveelutions, but
he was a little challenge to photograph because my point-and-shoot kept wanting to focus on, say,
the top of his head-fin and the rest was blurry. For that reason, I didn't even include a side-shot,
with those side fins. Vaporeon is one of my favorite eeveelutions, I've always been partial to
water-type pokemon though. 13 pieces, size 10 crochet thread and a (probably) size 2 crochet
hook, the neck fin collar is very soft due to the yarn being recycled bamboo, it's very nice
Thanks for looking! I have a few more things to post over the next couple of days, now that I have a chance!