TheSavvyRaccoon — Inktober Day 3 - Path

#ants #blackandwhite #inkdrawing #insects #path #traditional #traditionalart #traditionaldrawing #drawingtraditional #inktober #inktoberchallenge #inkdrawingtraditional #inktober2023 #inktober2023day3 #inktober2023day3path
Published: 2023-10-04 12:07:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 801; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 0
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Description Here is inktober day 3, path. Posting this a little late but got it done on time. I am really proud of myself for actually getting this done. I have never been able to stick with inktober before. I also am working through another challenge so I used the prompt for that as well. (Needle and Thread)
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