Two men stared at the table before them. There were two weapons on it- on the left, a shotgun resembling some kind of AR, and on the right, a conversion of said shotgun into 5.7x28. One took a cigarette out of his mouth, a gas mask resting on the top of his head.
"Good god. Is-is this what we're using now? Damn thing looks like a nightmare to control."
The other picked up the left gun, resting it on his hip as he weighed it in his hands.
"Miles. C'mon. You'd better be talking about the shotgun, because if you're having a hard time with 5.7 in an AR platform, you probably need to go through basic training again.""Yeah, fuck you too, Isaac."
Miles grabbed the SMG on the right, and aimed it at the wall in a c-clamp.
"Huh, that's... that's actually not too bad. If nothing else the sight is kinda nice.""Yeah, it's one of those IR laser thingies, I think. There should be a switch on the left.""Very nice. So when do we get to use that shotgun?""If something breaks out near here. The water riots've gotten all the way down to Orlando at this point.""Waitwaitwait, why are you talkin' about the riots? We're gonna catch hell if we use buckshot on civilians.""Well, it's mostly designed for use as a riot gun. We got a shit ton of salt pellet shells somewhere in the back.""Ah, gotcha. What about this?"
He held up the SMG just enough to make a point. Isaac nodded and checked a small paper pad in his breast pocket.
"Well, we could go and try that right now. I need a few more people before we head out, but I have a warrant out for a guy maybe... 20, 30 minutes away from here?""Hell yeah, let's take these for a test run. I'll get the van around from front.""Sounds good."
With that, Mike ground his half-smoked cigarette into the faded tile floor and headed to the parking lot, the mid-day sun beaming down on him with a beautiful scowl. ===================================================================
i used this for a good part of the reciever:…
counterpart to the crowdsplitter shotgun.