TheFluffySwede — On This Episode of Jack Pisses Merida Off...

Published: 2013-02-01 03:57:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 3049; Favourites: 87; Downloads: 171
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Description The first thing Jack does when he meets Merida is blackmail her to get her to on a journey with he, Hiccup and Rapunzel... She's kind of at his throat forever since. And Jack enjoys pissing her off. But gets to the point where Hiccup almost punches them both.

Jack also gets a new cape from the vikings or Rapunzel's tribe. I'm not sure yet. I'm leaning toward the vikings, even though the color is more something Rapunzel's tribe would have. I also can't get statisfied with Merida's bow. I keep designing it, but nothing is good enough.

I don't ship them but I see their appeal lmao. Not gonna lie, both of them are really fun to draw.
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Comments: 1

joshuarmour15 [2013-04-18 17:40:17 +0000 UTC]

so true

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