TheDogwhitaTail — Team Breech

Published: 2018-10-23 16:16:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 411; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 0
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Description Yep I decide for some bloody reason or another to create a hero team I did too anti ones already but the second was like a black ops unit....I may have a different view of heroism but I can’t complain whit it in most points after I wanted to be a hero once...

So mebers are:

Soldier 76 (leader)

Jak and daxter ( top gun)

Izuku midoriya ( muscle)

Spider Gwen ( scout)

Could add another meber but later

So why “team breech” for a name?

I actually named my two teams based on fire arm parts:

The trigger: the one the calls the shots for the barrel

The bullet: the projectile from the barrel the gets on the job done.

And the Breech: the part of the gun that loads the bullet and makes contact in the chamber

If you think that’s weird or dum let me remind call of duty zombies named there groups in each given narrative a name

“Ultimis”- last , ”Victis” - defeated and “Primis”- frist

So whit that said hope you guys enjoy
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