Detectives Emily Virgil and Tim Romero recently found themselves involved in a case where a number of meta-humans turned up dead. The only connections the victims to to have to one another were that they all had super powers and they all had a specific calling card left on their body. A black cross.
In the course of their investigation, Virgil and Romero discovered a group of religious extremists by the name of The Black Cross. The leader of this secretive group appeared to be the mysterious minister calling himselfSavior. Savior and his followers in the Black Cross believed that meta-humans were an abomination and were the creations of the devil. Savior preached about how every last one of these super powered “freaks” needed to be wiped out. He stopped short of actually admitting to any of the murders however.
Eventually, Virgil and Romero tracked down the killers who had committed these crimes in the name of the Black Cross. They were ultimately unable to press charges against Savior himself though as they lacked any evidence that he had actually had anything to do with the murders. Savior is very careful to never get his own hands dirty. He instead hires a number of other individuals to do his work (or as he claims “the work of the lord”) for him. These people range from heavily trained ex military personnel all the way to average citizens who simply believe what Savior tells them.
What makes Savior even more deadly than most of the religious extremists of the world is the simple fact that he believes every last word of his own rhetoric. He’s not out to gain power or revenge. He genuinely believes that super powered individuals are evil and will go to great lengths to see them wiped out.
Savior is not only a true believer but is also remarkably charismatic and articulate. While the Black Cross is still a young organization with only a small number of members, there seems to be a growing number of people who support the group and some are concerned that it’s only a matter of time before Savior and his followers become a truly dangerous threat capable of taking on even the strongest of super humans.