TheAlmightAlex — X-Industries Tales: Heartman reference

#gogoat #xvadventures #pokemon #referencesheet
Published: 2023-02-10 12:25:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 510; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description ID: 067
Name: Heartman
Species: Gogoat
Gender: Male
Trait⁄s: Regular
X-virus status: Infected
Level: 53
Level cap:
Start-4: Reference sheet
4-11: X-Industries Tales: Building a festival (www.deviantart.com/thealmighta… )
11-26: X-Industries Tales episode 4: George's depression (www.deviantart.com/thealmighta… )
26-33: X-Industries Tales: Dance time (www.deviantart.com/thealmighta… )
33-38: X-Industries Tales episode 5: Fun at the fair (www.deviantart.com/thealmighta… )
38-43: X-Industries Tales episode 6: The statue's theft (www.deviantart.com/thealmighta… )
43-53: X-Industries Tales episode 7: Guardian foxes (www.deviantart.com/thealmighta… )

Heartman acts like a military general. He always demands discipline and complete obedience to his and his superiors' command. He's very likely to use a crude and vulgar language. He has an incredible strenght and resistance, capable of breaking rocks with his mighty horns.

Heartman's egg was layed by a pack of Gogoat in the crater. It was left before they migrated, since they feared it would have been a weight. It was later found by Hector, there to supervise researches.

- Recent developments -

May event
- Heartman tells George the truth about Michelangelo and for that Hector sends him to watch over George and Kovu at the festival. After a while he naps.
- Heartman's nap is interrupted by the fox statue, whose eyes starts to glow.
- Heartman watches the fox statue disappear and convinces everyone to look for it, even with the help of friend pokemons, until they discover some suspicious fox shadows and chase them.
- Heartman catches the fox shadows, which reveal to be exclusive Vulpix and Ninetales. He then brings infected George and Kovu to the industry, where he locks them in the sterilized room.

Nature: Adamant
Characteristics: A little quick-tempered
Types: Grass
Ability: Sap Sipper
Tail Whip
Vine Whip

Wanted moves:
Horn Leech
Aerial Ace
Brick Break
Zen Headbutt
Rock Slide
Play Rough
Wild Charge

Family: N⁄A
Name origin: Full Metal Jacket character
Obtainment: Type-chosen egg
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