thatguysucks69 — White

Published: 2023-07-11 03:35:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 1261; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description This is white, he’s red’s 5th born and the last child, he’s also the smaller twin to Lia. Now if you want to more about Lia and why they have fur and stuff, go look at my image titled Lia.
Now for a look at white, when White was born, he was very VERY small compared to Lia, White was under developed, so much so that he almost died, while his eyes and most other senses developed more after his birth there was still a lot wrong with him, white or had one of most his major organs like lungs, white only had one of each organ and they were very small and weak, his heart could barely keep up, he had breathing issues, and breastfeeding was hard for him cause he needed assistance to reach and suck on his mothers nipple while Lia could do it herself and was walking at early stages, whites legs though didn’t work for awhile, pretty much his life sucked growing up, he’s to under developed and has no magic or powers while Lia has it all, she had more than enough organs including 3 separate brains, Lia is a power house, while White is a small weak submissive pup, and yes he does have a lover that dominates him. I will say, there is one thing white has fully developed besides his white fur….. his balls, while his sperm is not really fertile, his balls are large and plump, his white fluffy rod though, 4 inches, yeah not what you expect coming from a fucking god, but is white really a god though compared to the rest of his family, yea…. Fun fact, you remember Cage that psychopath, he’s they’re cousin.
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