Tharn666 — Pistolet Automatique Modele 1935A

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Published: 2022-03-13 16:09:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 12924; Favourites: 132; Downloads: 39
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The Pistolet automatique modèle 1935A (Automatic Pistol Model 1935A, also known as the Modèle 1935A, French Model 1935A, or M1935A) is a semi-automatic pistol designed by Charles Petter, chambered for the 7.65mm Longue cartridge. It was developed to compete in the 1935–1937 French military trials conducted by the Commission d’Experiences Techniques de Versailles to select a new sidearm.

Source: Wikipedia

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warrior31992 [2022-03-14 05:54:09 +0000 UTC]

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