Taneizaereus — Taneizaereus NonPixel ID

Published: 2008-02-20 10:56:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 257; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 1
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Description Made as part of 7500 Kiriban and pageviews and hits.

A taste of universal soul... Should the purple light blast the Heartless unto Universal Atonement. Similar to Lumine in Megaman X8.

Taneizaereus who is the fastest and most powerful magical soul keeper who uses very powerful magic despite his low will and average special...

The background of myself is violet.

Redo: This is Photoshop ID I made, just NonPixel ID not Pixel ID
Everybody let's see the Universal Atonement. When teamed up with either Hakizen or Azaliel, the light itself will be brighter to summon Universal Seal to destroy Heartless and Nobodies.

Simimar to Pixel ID Of Luisazo's water magic, TKC's fist with Tremor Key Chain, DracheaRannak's Roses.
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Comments: 3

the-real-iceman [2008-03-04 15:13:57 +0000 UTC]

this actually isnt like any of the other pixel id's i've seen
there are many flaws like:

1. its not in the minimum size requirement
2. it lacks the use of the arcapedix font (the one that makes the font look retro)
3. its best done with the pencil tool instead of line tool
4. there should not be any gradient colors at all but if you need gradient colors do it with the spray can tool and not some flashy effects in photoshop

my advice to you is redo this whole thing and make certain parts your character noticeable like an arm

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Cashopeia [2008-03-03 08:53:13 +0000 UTC]


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harukoyamada [2008-02-21 02:05:37 +0000 UTC]


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