Another Inquisitor headshot. This is Fialan Lavellan, the bow-wielding bisexual rogue with a bad attitude. She ended up following Solas' route (because I don't have another Lavellan woman but ssssssh) and basically spent the entire game shouting at her teammates, swearing up a storm and sticking arrows in things. Good times. I still hate drawing people as pale as her, and blonde hair.... and her vallaslin was hell - I didn't realise that one wasn't symmetrical until I started drawing it, and now it annoys the hell outta me - but hey, whatever. It looks okay. Ish. If you want to see more, I drew her and Solas here…
Casually exposing myself but I decided to make her blind in that eye because I couldn't draw it right sighted. Stupid pupil kept ending up in the wrong place.