SylxeriaGuardian — Happy Vaal-entines Day

Published: 2018-02-03 02:19:28 +0000 UTC; Views: 1017; Favourites: 28; Downloads: 2
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Description So while everyone else is gonna be drawing Teo & Luna or Rathalos & Rahtian for Valentine's Day, I'm drawing this guy

I just beat him the other night and decided to send him a Valentine's Day card the next day, because he's probably the only mon in MHW that won't be getting a card otherwise. So I'm sure he appreciates this gesture
(Also yes he has a little tear in his eye, because he wasn't expecting to get a card ^^)

I know Valentine's Day isn't for a lil while yet but I wanted to get this done sooner than later, and if I waited until a few days before the holiday I'd never get it done
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